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I Am... Iiiron Maaan
Desfontainia spinosa
Citation:   Freredismas. "I Am... Iiiron Maaan: An Experience with Desfontainia spinosa (exp112298)". Erowid.org. Oct 25, 2018. erowid.org/exp/112298

  oral Desfontainia spinosa (tea)
Took a decoction, simmered about 15 min on stove in saucepan (note: hepatic metabolism yields cyanogenic glucosamides, highly toxic).

Preface- experience with deliriants, a la brugmansia, henbane, mandrake, datura, a. Muscaria, pantherina, gemmata, v. Formosa. Also, heavy dissociative profile. Had been introduced as an s. Divinorum alternative, previously smoked extract/resin to mild to middling stoning, vaguely k'opioid effect.

Found myself in state of vomitosis, diarrhoea, clonus, pouring sweat, vasodilation. Sort of repetitive hypnogogic state, wherein I was Iron Man rescuing the Christ-Child from a space station. This went on for about four hours, with bizarre micro-iterations of the same scenario. Pure hell. Cyanotic lips, fingertips, trying to scream for help on the davenport gushing thin lime green bile from all orifices. Would not repeat. The Chilean False Holly is a hellacious trial drug fit for Guantanamo Bay.

[Reported Dose: "approx1/4-1/2oz"]

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 112298
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Oct 25, 2018Views: 2,044
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Desfontainia spinosa (538) : Unknown Context (20), Health Problems (27), Difficult Experiences (5)

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