After One Year - the Positive Outcomes
Citation:   Syrxinge. "After One Year - the Positive Outcomes: An Experience with LSD (exp112301)". Sep 14, 2018.

  oral LSD
I usually take LSD when I have big questions about life and myself, last year I had made some huge changes after taking LSD that it positively affected my life. So one Friday night I decided to consult with what I call 'The LSD Gods' (great name am I right?). I took 250 ugs at 4:30 pm and went downstairs with my mother to watch the rest of the movie called 'Lucy' while waiting for the LSD to kick in. All in all my mood at that point was really good.

Close to the end of the movie I started to feel the body effects LSD usually gives me so at 6:30pm I decided to go take a bath and use my new bath bomb I got. It was probably the best bath I had ever taken, I lifted the bath bomb out the water and watched the bubbles for a long time. By this time I was seeing small visuals and got out the bath. At 7pm I ended up laying down and watching YouTube videos of soap cutting (yes soap cutting I know) after a while I decided to ask my mom to take me to the gas station for a drink. As I got into the car the visuals and body effects kicked in a lot harder. I've never been in a car on my come up so it was really different. We got what we needed and headed home, mind you my mom has no idea I am tripping at this point. In the car for some unknown reason I wanted to laugh but I knew my mom would ask what's funny so I tried to turn the other way and hold it in but tears came to my eyes and she ended up asking what's wrong. Now me and my mom don't have the best relationship and I have been trying to mend it so all of the sudden I start thinking about that and go into full blown crying and start talking to her about our relationship.

We got home and I asked if we could sit outside for a few because I really wanted to talk more with my mom.
I asked if we could sit outside for a few because I really wanted to talk more with my mom.
We ended up talking in a full blown 2 hour conversation and looking back I feel like it was so helpful to our relationship and my understanding of our relationship. At this point I'm just staring at the brick walkway we have and seeing so many patterns in it (mind you my mom still and as I'm writing this doesn't know I was tripping) I got a call from my work saying I needed to come in which was really sucky because I wasn't going to get sleep that night but after I ended the call, I then for some reason really want to go on a walk seeing as we live in basically the middle of nowhere (we don't really have signal except 1 bar so unless we have wifi we don't get calls on our cell phone until we go about 20 minutes away from where we live). So here me and my mom are walking (I also didn't feel out of breath at all like I normally do with my asthma) and it was so enjoyable that I didn't even realize we were walking as far as we did. We eventually got back home around 8 pm and I went up to my room for the night.

I didn't really do much after that because I felt so emotionally drained in a sense when talking to my mom and felt like I got out what I needed to say but never could with my mom. For the rest of the night I was though in a really good mood and watched my favorite tv show Wynonna Earp (That episode was a really weird one too where everyone was under a spell and I thought it might make me go into a bad trip but it didn't which was good because I really enjoyed the episode.) and really just listened to music and was on Facebook looking at videos. I did decide at 11 pm to take another bath (I love baths) and realized my jaw started to really hurt from clenching it subconsciously. I also (which yes I am still kinda afraid of the dark) wasn't afraid of walking in the dark back to my room and even days after I still wasn't afraid.

I went back into my room and watched more videos by PsychedSubstance and documentaries by Vox, Vice, etc. (I really like learning a lot more when I'm high or tripping but I also like learning things when I'm not high or tripping either). I then started to worry about not getting sleep before a 8 hour shift at 11 am but I wasn't worried with anxiety like I usually am.

Around 4 am I shut all the lights out and tried to sleep which to no avail I didn't sleep. I did however see a lot more visuals in the dark but my body and jaw hurt to the point where I took a bath with epsom salt. It still didn't work so I decided to wait till 8 am to call in sick because there was just no way as I already felt so tired but couldn't sleep due to the LSD. After laying for what felt like an eternity I finally fell asleep.

I had some really weird dreams but don't remember what happened in them, I just woke up really confused about what happened in them. I ended up sleeping till 10 pm and my mom thought I was sick (nope mom just tired from the LSD) but I ended up feeling some positives from the trip. My severe anxiety which causes me to have panic attacks daily was almost COMPLETELY gone. I also had some really good insight on my relationships with people and contacted them to try and fix the damage I had done in the past. I had better self-esteem about myself, and I also noticed that I haven't been eating as much or more like I get full quicker but I don't know if that's just the after effects of the LSD (even though it didn't happen last time when I took more).

All in all this trip has given me a lot of positive outlooks on my life and I am glad I made the decision to take LSD that Friday night.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112301
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Sep 14, 2018Views: 1,057
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LSD (2) : Families (41), Relationships (44), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Alone (16)

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