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From the Shadows Into the Sun
DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   sjohn376. "From the Shadows Into the Sun: An Experience with DMT & Cannabis (exp112305)". Oct 20, 2020.

3 hits smoked DMT
    smoked Cannabis
To preface my experience, I would like to say first I am a somewhat experienced drug-user. As of now, I smoke cannabis regularly and partake every once in a while in various psychedelics, but on occasion other drugs are apart of the equation. This is a detailed account of 3 DMT trips, the first two short but the third a immense expansion to the first two.

DAY 1: Approx. 7:00pm

I had just gotten off work, and arrived home. My buddy K and B had too just pulled up to my house at the same time, a pure coincidence, but by the standards of the substance we were about to take it may as well have been fated. Prior to this time, we had made efforts to obtain psychedelics but to no avail. Over here it is a bit rare to find say than, weed or stimulants, because of having to know people and having those people know people, it was a cycle of search that eventually always reached a dead end. Fortunately, my buddy K's connection just happened to have just gotten DMT, so after the planning, picking up and exchanges we all agreed to meet at my house.

Once inside, I rested a bit, downed a bottle of water and began to pack the bowl. We had no real DMT rig, so grinded up a bit of weed and sandwiched the DMT between it, as to not burn the DMT but the heat from the cherried weed slowly vaporize it. We were all finally settled and headed off. B took the first hit, and a plasticky smell filled the air. It was about 2 good puffs he took and he passed K who then passed to me.

First thing I felt immediately going in was a strange buzzing right in the back of my head, coupled with the distortion of my sense of time. My friends experienced the same, K reported having light visuals and B commented that it felt like an expansion of what was already there, and soon after it faded. While this was short lived it indeed was a enjoyable feeling for us all, as the energy and vibe after felt really calm and at peace. After admiring that it felt good to be alive and enjoying ourselves, we escaped inside to my room to play Super Smash Brothers, a pastime that we all very much enjoy, and a few hours later B left and me and K remained. We decided later that night we again would trip, and attempt to reach the heights that truly propel us into another world, ala Terence Mckenna, so we passed the time until it came.

DAY 1/2: Approx. 2:00am

This time I decided to roll a joint, and sprinkle a considerable amount of the DMT in the front so that we'd hit it, trip and come down softly on the rest of the weed. It was now very dark outside, which I consider to be the primetime for activities like these. K and I put on some nice ambient jams, and once again headed off. I lit the joint, took a deep inhale and held for a couple seconds, then let out. I could feel its effects instantly, this time everything felt very slow, and the tingly vibrating feeling in the forehead made itself apparent again, and this is where it gets. . .weird.

We had stopped hitting the joint about halfway because of how intense we were feeling. K from what he told me it was very enjoyable, and once his favorite song came on it brought him to tears, but for me it took me to a dark place. I thought about my mortality and my reasoning to want to not be sober most of the time, coupled with my denial of my problems and responsibilities and such. I began thinking about how we are running all from death, everything good or bad, no matter the dualistic nature or dichotomy's of man, we ALL fear it so much of what we do not know, and in turn every action is an acting out of sorts of this fear of death, the inevitable unknown.

Then, a image, or perhaps a vision I should say shuttered through my mind. It was a desert, a single plant (I cannot remember what it was exactly), it was like a fixed camera on it, and everything around it (it too) was dying. Then I was pulled from it, and these feelings of uneasiness never seemed to leave that night. Throughout the rest of the night I was lost in my own self, and couldn't escape this grave feeling. K soon left and me unable to cope with this feeling I fell asleep.

DAY 3: Approx. 1:00am

The days had passed and I read more on DMT, as far as processes on how to effectively take it, peoples trips and such. I had meditated on the problems I felt, and discovered very deep rooted things that I do not like, and while always toying around with the idea of changing I never embraced it and therefore stayed in this self-imposed cell of shame that I put myself in, which I believe the DMT made more apparent. K also called up and we decided to hang again, I explained about my bad trip and told him how I want to go back, to face myself and to bask in the unknown instead of hiding from it, and he agreed he as well would like to trip once more.

The rest of the day with K, I made it a great effort to mentally prepare myself.
I made it a great effort to mentally prepare myself.
Meditation, stretching, drinking water and eating right as to not feel anything wrong with myself during the trip. And soon, the time had again come.

I told K that we would hit it 2-3 times, very hard on the last hit, and just sit, close our eyes and not say a word during the trip. We both agreed, put on music and once again, headed off. K took his hits, and soon passed to me.

I breathed deeply, centered myself and took my hits. By the 3rd hit, I was out of there. I closed my eyes, laid back and let this drug take me where it wanted, I did not want to fight it anymore, good or bad, I just let myself go, and it happened.

I cannot ever explain what I saw, but it was magnificent. It was like an inter-dimensional party, feelings and colors bursting at the seams. It was a very welcoming feeling, very very familiar, like I was a kid again during Christmas time. It brought me back to these nostalgic emotions, I mean I cannot emphasize enough that it indeed felt like I was a kid again, so full of curiosity and awe at this world, and I felt this embrace, like a warm beautiful hug from the energy of the other side, it loved me and I loved it, it had shown me life again. As much as I was inebriated and completely overtaken by the DMT that I could not tell what was going on, I knew I was swaying and vibing to the music with a huge smile on my face. There is truly nothing I have felt that, or seen for that matter that encapsulates what I felt/seen, other than the rebirth of these childlike feelings.

After the main trip subsided, I felt amazing, still trying to process what I felt and saw. I looked up at the sky, so clear and bright, and at the moon which I could see slowly descent behind the horizon. I was renewed, rebirthed you could say, and gave a deep reflection of those 3 trips. The first being the onset, like going to the front door of the party and getting excited. The second, perhaps being denied entry, denial and death. And the third, being invited in and feeling rebirthed after it all.

Overall it was an amazing experience.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112305
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Oct 20, 2020Views: 545
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DMT (18) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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