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Felt Like a Nightmare
Ketamine, LSD, Amphetamines (Aderrall) & Beer
Citation:   Giovani. "Felt Like a Nightmare: An Experience with Ketamine, LSD, Amphetamines (Aderrall) & Beer (exp112346)". Feb 25, 2023.

T+ 0:00
0.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00 2 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 0:00 300 mg insufflated Ketamine  
  T+ 0:00 30 mg oral Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
  T+ 13:30   oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP  
  T+ 13:30   oral Valerian  
It all began with deciding I wanted to spend the day doing some work on my car, nothing too hard mentally but definitely tedious enough that I did not want to do it.

Woke up around 11ish
12:00 pm Took half a tab of LSD just enough to boost my creativity and motivation. Made some breakfast and decided lets go to home depot get car supplies and Walmart for some groceries.

12:50 I get done with home depot, I begin to feel the come up and a little bit of confusion, I was hoping for more of a microdose but these were potent and I was feeling it. Decided not to go to Walmart as it would take a lot out of me trying to get what I needed without getting sidetracked.

1:30 Get back to the house I decided I wanted to try K hole, I had done Ketamine previously with the most euphoric effects very vivid visuals and insane out of body experiences about 2 years ago ( such as not even realizing that I was even laying down somewhere ).

The supply was scarce and was only able to get it only once before about a year ago and just wasn't the same. I had gotten this last weekend and tried it last week felt the same way as it wasn't all I remembered it to be, so I assumed well initially when I used to do it I had done a lot more LSD ( weekly ).

So now I had some LSD in me drank a beer and half to try to potentiate it + took the K. I defiantly felt woozy enough to lay down but I was not to the point of complete paralysis even though redosed large quantities within minutes of each other. The combination yielded better results then the original K - hole, I was able to get better closed eye visuals and do some of the things I wanted mentally, yet it wasn't the flying jets, camping with friends, or traveling the world ( all in my mind ) as I had previously had. This may due to different strains of K, the more potent was much more crystallized type, while I noticed the weaker stuff always comes in a softer more like flour consistency.

2:45 I start coming out of the nap phase but still feel really out of it. I look up a little info on adderall and decide to start with a 10mg IR and redose as time goes on to keep it going.

3:30 I watch a few episodes of tv when I start go from being Foggy from the K to a Very clear clarity. I realize the aderrall kicked in so I start doing some house organizing.

4:00 I look up recreational / first time dosages of aderrall I see 10-15mg for studying and about 25-30mg for recreational. I decide to take another 5mg, with another 5mg hr later.

5:30 my plan was to do a total of 30 mg, not really having much experimental experience with it I assume it will last 5-6 hrs as with MDMA, so I'm shooting to stop working around 12 on car so I take another 5 mg and plan to stop redoing by 6 pm. I step out to start fixing up the car.

6:30 I step inside, I still feel really alert and oriented. I try to force myself to eat some snacks I have almost no appetite despite breakfast being small. I'm not as giggly / silly now since the second stage of the LSD took over so I I dive right back into the project.

7:00 I decide to go back to store to get more fruits / whatever I needed. I feel like I can hear the lights buzzing when I was in there without music surrounding me.

7:55ish I get back I still feel up but decide to take the last of the dose while its still not too late don't want to waste it, did not want to store it.

9:00 My body aches my back is understandable being hunched over but my biceps are sore even though haven't been lifting or using them too much. There's occasional nausea.

12:00 I'm still wide awake despite usually my bedtime is 10 pm, I keep working on the car, I try to snack but its hard to get more the mouthful at a time without feeling a gag reflex

3:00 I start to feel tired, I decide to put the tools away and call it a night.

3:30ish after showering and taking some 5-HTP and Valerian root I try to get to bed. I don't feel uncomfortable laying there but I realize my body is tired, my mind is up and I won't be able to go to sleep, I decide to do some K try to put me out.

4:00 Things start to get weird, while initially I wanted to lay down from the K I got nauseous and go up to go to the bathroom. I had very little wobbliness, and felt actually awake. Decided watch some TV and do some more K.

4:15 I was not sleepy at but rather in a trance of paranoia. I was thinking what if someone like police or landlord knocks on my front door, I wish I had a gun to end my self as I did not want deal with the legal consequences of my life choices (Drugs).

4:20 Everything looks static and best way to describe it is this scene from requiem for a dream but imagine if you watched it on an old television that had the static.

4:40am I decide I'm going to turn this into a positive as I feel like shit, I make a bath. I think about how if the exhaustion wears into me, or the k overcomes the alertness of the Adderall I can pass out and drown and die, but I decide I'm ok with that as I am somewhat comfortable and warm in the water.

I can feel my heart beating heavily. There's a voice talking to me guiding my body to do things, it feels like what schizophrenia would be like. I'm a idle passenger in this body, with something or someone else steering. I lay in the water staring at the ceiling

5:30: I think about my mom, the thought that I could start to feel like I'm about to die and I wouldn't call an ambulance because I don't want to survive if caught with / on drugs as it would cost me my job. I set a goal to slow down on drugs, the idea of being without them does not suit me, but reduce use and binging, for the sole reason of that I cannot pass away before my mother. It would break her heart if I died first and I don't want to put her in that negative.

6:00 I head to bed and knock out shortly.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112346
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Feb 25, 2023Views: 384
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Amphetamines (6), LSD (2), Ketamine (31) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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