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One With Everything
by geir
Citation:   geir. "One With Everything: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp112368)". Oct 24, 2018.

60 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (capsule)
I've only tripped two times prior to this trip, the last one was 400ug LSD, I've never experienced shrooms, and 4-AcO-DMT is apparently extremely similar to shrooms. I had three capsules of this magic wonder, containing 20mg each. I took all three at the same time.

Took all three capsules, a bit nervous and very excited.

Finally starting to feel something. Was playing an FPS game with my friend with voice chat. The game started gradually to look more and more beautiful.

The effects are becoming pretty strong at this point. I started having trouble communicating with my friend. I put on some calm music, which was wonderful.

The effects are becoming very strong now. I am unable to play much longer. I decided to watch a movie, so I put on Interstellar. I didn't understand anything, but I felt like everyone in the movie was tripping too. Time was moving very slowly at this point, when I felt I've watched for an hour, it's only been 10 minutes.

The effects are getting extremely strong. I was unable to do anything but to lay down on the couch. As I lay down I close my eyes. At this point is where I started peaking. I saw tons of fractals, tons of very colorful and vivid lights. Then I was transported to some kind of observatory where I observed the entire universe. It was very calm, and I felt like I was just floating around. I stopped breathing, it was truly beautiful. I was one with everything, with the entire universe, with all the atoms that the universe was made of. I couldn't feel my body, I was just pure energy floating around. I was a god over the entire universe.
I don't remember too much of this.

Right after I stopped peaking, I realized what happened, and I was super happy, it was the best experience of my entire life. After a few minutes I realized I was still tripping pretty damn hard. I got super confused and didn't quite understand what was going on. Time made zero sense to me. When was the trip going to end? I was filled with confusion, I didn't know who I was or what I did in this universe.
When was the trip going to end? I was filled with confusion, I didn't know who I was or what I did in this universe.
My memories from the past was very clear, but did not make any sense to me. Life did not make sense. I felt I was alone in a different world from before. It felt unreal and absurd that I had a life, friends and parents. Nothing made sense at this point. I was sure I was going to be in this state forever. I didn't have suicidal thoughts, but I wanted to stop existing. The comedown was very unpleasant.

I finally started to get back to myself. My life finally started to make sense again. My relationships started to make sense again. I remembered who I was, but I was still tripping and very confused.

The next day I was still confused, not because of the drug, but because of the experience. I was glad I was me again, but I was also glad that I did it, mainly because of the beautiful experience I had while peaking.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112368
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 24, 2018Views: 1,024
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