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Breaking the Mould
Citation:   EastHoliday. "Breaking the Mould: An Experience with MDMA (exp11239)". Jul 11, 2019.

T+ 0:00
.25 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:50 .25 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:20 .25 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:20 .25 tablets sublingual MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis - Hash  
  T+ 0:00   oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
My experience really started when I decided to find a way to enjoy a work do that's coming up. I knew that I was going to be drained on the day of the party and wanted to find a way to make it more special. A friend of mine had tried ecstacy before and this gave me the idea. After 2 weeks thinking about it I decided one Saturday to travel into London and go to a nightclub to get some tablets for the party. I had checked the net to see what they looked like, and I checked a reputable harm reduction website to get an idea what I was getting myself into.

On the night I went into the club and wondered around for a few hours getting into the mood. Eventually I decided, 'Right, now's the time', and straight away this guy approached me and said, 'Want some pills?'. I said, 'Yes, that's what I'm looking for', and he lead me into a dark corner.

I bought two tablets (smilies) and proceeded to the gents to take it in private. I took one quarter to see if I would have a bad reaction. Then I went and found a seat to wait for it to happen. After 50 minutes nothing had happened so I took another quarter and waited for 30 minutes. Still nothing happened so I swallowed one quarter and let the other quarter disolve under my tungue.
After 2 hours still no result, so I went to find the guy I bought the stuff off and tell him it wasn't working. He wasn't there so I asked around and then I noticed that something was changing. Somehow I didn't mind if the guy had ripped me off and my head began to feel a bit lighter. I knew it had started then.

I stood by the banister looking over the dance floor and the music sounded better and better and happy thoughts came to me that I haven't had for many years. It was like I was seeing other people for the first time and I knew that most of them were on something and loving every minute of it. I was filled with new found confidence and for a moment it was like I was in heaven, and I knew everybody there like they were family. It was not like being drunk, where I feel out of control. This felt natural and good.
I was filled with new found confidence and for a moment it was like I was in heaven, and I knew everybody there like they were family. It was not like being drunk, where I feel out of control. This felt natural and good.

I talked to another guy for a while about how it was my first time, and he was really happy for me and introduced himself. His name was Ben and I almost never remember peoples names unless they have a good impression on me. He said that ecstacy was good because in this club everybody was friendly and 'don't have an attitude'. I danced for a couple of hours enjoying every minute of it then my old thoughts started to return and I knew I was coming down again. This was a big club so I went up to the 8th floor and found some people smoking hash. They gave me some and I rolled a big one and offered it round. I told them it was my first time trying ecstacy and they shook my hand. One girl said that the first time is always the best, and this made me think because somebody else had said the same thing. She opened a small envelope that had some white powder in it and said it was pure MDMA - 'without the shit they put in pills', she said. I licked my finger and dipped it in and tried it. MDMA is pretty disgusting and I had to drink some water with it to get rid of the taste. This didn't stop me coming down though and I knew that taking more would not make much difference.

Before long it was 6am in the morning and I had been there for 8 hours, but it was so much fun it only seemed like an hour. They tube didn't open until 7am, but I didn't get stressed standing out in the cold. Waiting just gave me more time to think about the night and recall my feelings. I found that when I closed my eyes that it was really easy to imagine peoples faces with clarity, and that I was generally more aware of sounds and my surroundings, and the body language of the people waiting.
It's three days later now and I still feel better. On the night I clenched my teeth a bit but I kinda do this anyway and simply stopped when I noticed I was doing it. I wouldn't say I saw a lot of tracers, more like my eyes were working better and images stayed in my mind longer. I watched a music video and noticed a few flashes as the images changed quickly. I noticed much more detail than usual in everything I looked at. Eventually I went to bed and had the best sleep in ages.

Well that's it about it. It wasn't a totally amazing experience, but was everything I hoped for. :-)

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11239
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 11, 2019Views: 722
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MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Club / Bar (25)

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