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Different From Speed, and Not in a Good Way
Citation:   Anonymous. "Different From Speed, and Not in a Good Way: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp112403)". Oct 6, 2018.

  repeated insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
I had believed methaphetamine (meth) would be an upgraded, refined version of the basic amphetamine (speed) until I finally got hold of what looked like good pure crystal meth. Oh boy, was I wrong. At the time I had had no prior experience with meth, but I consider myself a speed connoisseur: never use it to do real work, never binge, and do it just a few times a year with good friends to have a nice chat about everything in life.

The meth came in small but visible translucent crystals. First time I tried to snort it and ended up doing 100mg in a few lines spread out in time. Next time I smoked it from foil and did 250mg in a night. I also tried smoking 30mg one lazy morning. My bottom line is that the other reports on meth are spot on. It is a completely different beast from speed. Moreover it is devious.

Fist of all, it is subtle. When on speed, I know I am high although I can function OK. When on meth, I can’t really put my finger on it. My state is kind of off normal but not really high.
When on speed, I know I am high although I can function OK. When on meth, I can’t really put my finger on it. My state is kind of off normal but not really high.
Not really fun for me.

Second, it does do doing chores easy if not fun. Speed gets me absorbed in the process once I start doing stuff so I know I need to be careful and not overdo things, while meth just helps start it and keep going. I hate doing dishes, but in the morning on meth it was just okay all the way through.

Finally, the comedown from meth is different and noticeably worse, to my taste. Next day after the 100mg snorted, it felt very much like after a long night on pure MDMA. That is to say, pretty shitty although, again, I couldn’t quite tell what exactly was wrong. When coming down from speed, I’m just tired and can’t sleep if I have indulged a bit too much. But after meth there was this shitty feeling: thoughts muddled, the body refusing to do anything meaningful, etc.

All in all, I’ve quenched my curiosity about meth and am going to stick to speed, in great moderation. Fortunately, my friends never procure meth and suggest we do it together for fun. I understand that some people use meth ‘the hard way’ (i/v) to get the rush, but for me a minute of bliss is no longer worth it. That being said, I can imagine a young person wanting to experiment with that. Just do it with a great lot of care and will. It seems to me that one can get hooked on this stuff way easier than even on speed.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112403
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 39
Published: Oct 6, 2018Views: 1,323
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Methamphetamine (37) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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