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Free Falling Through My Mind
Citation:   rionxee. "Free Falling Through My Mind: An Experience with Zaleplon (exp112462)". May 26, 2020.

120 mg insufflated Pharms - Zaleplon (powder / crystals)
      Lisdexamfetamine (daily)
After being given a Vyvanse prescription from my general practitioner I had succumbed to bouts of insomnia which make me insufferable. On the path to being prescribed Ambien I was written a script for Zaleplon generic version of Sonata, after trying it according to the directions given by my GP it did act as a fairly good sleep aid, however I did finally figure out that the capsule is able to be broken apart and taken via insufflation. The crystals are almost perfectly fine in which I can snort them without having to break them down. This is my experience.

I had taken this at night in a good state of mind without any other substances in my body. I drank water throughout this experience.

+0 (9:00 PM) - 12 capsules are broken down and put into a pile to be sifted and snorted, appx 1/4 of the pile is then snorted at this time. (NO IMMEDIATE EFFECT) The crystals are extremely fine and almost feel like nothing whilst snorting them....

+20 (9:20 PM) - I begin watching a new show on netflix and stay at my desk the whole time. Zaleplon for some reason makes breaking down and sorting the crystals into lines more interesting. At this time I snort another 1/4 of the 12 capsule pile.

+20 (9:40 PM) -- Mild euphoria and more immersed in my tv show I'm watching

+30 (10:10 PM) -- Euphoria and slight loss of motor function, stumbling and trouble walking. Decide to snort the last 50% of my pile

+30 (10:40 PM) Slight hallucinations but only appearing when in low light settings and mostly out of peripheral. I was walking down my hall and it felt like people were lining up on either side of me to high five me.

+20 (11:00 PM) Intense hallucinations, the tile on my kitchen floor was taking on a 3-Dimensional field and it felt like I could touch the atoms of the floor. No audible hallucinations however.

At this point is when I was enjoying seeing the different things appearing in front of me, red lights were spitting out fields of particles and my phone screen was a rainbow. I am also reporting the body melting sensation, my bed felt like it was apart of me.

Shortly after this I fell asleep.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112462
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 26, 2020Views: 1,590
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Pharms - Zaleplon (161) : Combinations (3), Medical Use (47), General (1), Alone (16)

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