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I Went Alone, Knowing No One There
Citation:   willem. "I Went Alone, Knowing No One There: An Experience with Ayahuasca (exp112506)". Oct 19, 2018.

2 cups oral Ayahuasca (tea)
Santo Ayahuasca

It was my first time of drinking ayahuasca and it happened in the surroundings of the santo daime church. I went alone, knowing no one there. I observed a lot: the nice church, the people, the set up, the costumes, specific table...

A round started with singing for maria or someone, I guess mostly in Spanish. We gather to the altar to drink one cup. Taste was okay. Like a syrup. Some more singing. More activity of the people around, some overacting. Other on their chairs in the circle.

I went for a second drink. I was too much of a newby, observing others, but when I started to (try to) sing along, I went into a different stage, got this cold over my body, and then: all of a sudden came a flash from over my right shoulder. The only think I could remember or describe it by is: love. And that's a god thing.

On my way back, at night, completely dressed in white, I went through the busy city where parties were going on and drunks were on the street. Such a hunger that I had (I followed my feeling), went back on the road to my sleeping place, and needed to shit badly. I obeyed my bodily needs and took or gave it, there, in the middle of the city.

Afterwards I went on to the hostel where I slept and had a good sleep and active dream. It made me decide to be on this road. And I still am. It's 2018 and going… It is not for every brain.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 112506
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Oct 19, 2018Views: 1,553
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Ayahuasca (8) : First Times (2), Group Ceremony (21)

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