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A Spiritual Guide Came to Me
Citation:   Fruityfrau. "A Spiritual Guide Came to Me: An Experience with DMT (exp112544)". Nov 6, 2018.

25 mg smoked DMT
I always enjoyed my psychedelics but never tried dmt before. I know I am an experienced tripper (mushrooms, 4-aco, lsd, 25-I etc.) but because I heard such mixed reports I wanted to be careful with dmt.

My friend suggested only having half of what he found to be a breakthrough dose and I agreed. I smoked it through a bong with ice cubes. Only one hit.

I sat on a couch. As I held in the smoke for as long as possible I could already see visuals very quickly. The edges of the room quickly submerged into geometrical nonsense. It felt like I didn't need to get another breath in but that worried me so I did.

I remembered my best friend saying that you had to let go so I took a really deep relaxing breath. The whole room lost its limitations and expanded into colourful shapes. I felt heavy. I just about managed to lay onto a bean bag. My friend also had a hit and (don't ask me how), was rolly around on a mattress on the floor which made me laugh as his curls turned into squares.

Soon the geometrical patterns started to get very intense. I closed my eyes. I thought to myself:
"You are doing this. Just stop thinking."

I could hear and feel someone laughing at me. A female older voice and energy. Her voice came from the right corner of my vision. And was floating through my body, and once in my body I could translate the feeling she gave me into words. (I always see myself as an empath and very in touch with my feelings).

She said: "can you remember a time when you haven't been thinking?"

Not really, I thought. It doesnt work like that. I always think. Even when I sleep, I just don't remember it sometimes.

"That's right. And when you die, your body might fade away but you will carry on thinking somewhere else. You are eternal!"

Wow, I was so gobsmacked. That's amazing.
"But do I get to keep my memories?" That was always something I worried about. I wanted to remember this life.

"Yes you do."
At this point I was so happy, I directly aimed my thoughts at her. I said:
"thank you so much for telling me, I always wanted to know this. It means so much to me that I know that now. It will change how I see a lot of things."

"You are welcome. I can show you the other side if you want?"
Her energy was still circulating through my body but I could hear my mate talking to another mate in the background.
"It sounds amazing but I only had half a dose and I can hear my friends in the background. Maybe not this time. I really wanna tell them about this. But thank you so much for coming to me!"

"No worries. It was nice speaking to you and I just wanted to let you know that you are doing well and everything is how it should be. You have nothing to worry about. I was looking forward to meeting you."

"Thank you, I am gonna tell my friends now."

And I stood up and opened my eyes. The trip instantly stopped. I was overwhelmed and cried from happiness and told my friends. None ever had a trip similar to what I had. With such clear conversation. I wish I went to the other side with her. She was really lovely and motherly.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 112544
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Nov 6, 2018Views: 1,024
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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