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Lego Factory and the Mushroom Forest
Salvia divinorum (extract)
by T
Citation:   T. "Lego Factory and the Mushroom Forest: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (extract) (exp112550)". Nov 21, 2018.

100 mg oral Pharms - Sertraline (daily)
    smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
    smoked Cannabis  
Here is some back ground info first. T is me. I smoke cannabis regularly and I am prescribed Zoloft for depression. I wanted to trip for the first time but had no access to anything. So I started to do some research on some safe plant based hallucinogens that where legal. My friends recommended Salvia Divinorum a plant based psychedelic/disassociative that has been used for hundreds of years. Thinking it was the perfect substance to do for my first trip I found a online vendor and purchased some 40x Salvia since I live in a state where it is legal. I waited for it to arrive and was very excited when it came. It said "not for human consumption" on the package. "But how would a lousy sticker stop me?" I asked myself. I packed the bong I had full of Salvia and a little bit of cannabis since I didn't have much at the time. It was 2:00 pm I was alone and I decided to do it in my room with blacklight posters.

I made sure I was comfy and that in case the trip went bad that I couldn't get far so I locked my door to my room. I put in my ear buds and put on one of my favorite songs. The dope show by Marilyn Manson. I then lit my lighter and took a big hit clearing the entire thing and holding it for at least 10 seconds. I then exhaled and a few seconds in my vision begins to morph and bounce in all directions. I also feel a rising euphoric feeling. Like the euphoria was trying to make me float. I then started to be enveloped into this rolling carpet of 8 different colors that matched my blacklight posters. They were parallel to each other like a rainbow. I also felt a force making me lay on my bed. After I was fully rolled up my bed turned into a conveyor belt that was taking me through this tunnel of legos that also had those same 8 colors. The shape of the tunnel outlined my computer and speakers. The conveyor belt was going faster and faster as so was I. As that was happening I couldn't help but to say "oh shit this is it here we go" as my feet were getting further down the conveyor belt and my torso was staying at the same place. The music was also distorted and high pitched. Then I saw a mouth that was singing along to the lyrics. I was amazed by what was going on so I decided to look around.

I saw machines that where processing things but I couldn't tell what. There where also pipes on the ceiling of the tunnel that extended throughout the tunnel. I then tried to get off the conveyor belt and that's where my trip went bad I got up and the lego tunnel I was in started to spin clockwise and I started to feel pins and needles go in circles counterclockwise on my body. This frighted me so I reminded myself that it was a trip and that it will be over soon so I decided if I go back onto my bed or conveyor in the trip world I was in I could get back to reality. But instead took me through the machines I saw earlier getting stretched, prodded and mushed. Started hyperventilating because I didn't know the drug could make you do that. I started saying its the salvia drug as I started to get back up off the conveyor belt. Then I was getting pulled by my arms by 2 centaurs out of the lego tunnel factory place. I was then in a mushroom forest getting dragged by my arms. The mushrooms were growing out of the ground and path I was on while changing color on the spots they had and their body. The pins and needles where getting more and more intense as the trip went on too I also found my phone that was on my bed so I knew I was still in the same room. It was really hard to type as my phone and hands where moving counterclockwise.

After getting dragged for a while it started to finally wear off to where I can navigate around my house. Everything was stretched but still recognizable. I laid on my bed and saw a spinning wasp hive while my eyes where closed. I then went to sleep. When I woke up everything was back to normal. I was glad that I was back and I now have major respect for the drug. I have now done mushrooms. I'd incidentally pick a mushroom any day over salvia (I don't condone use of neither) I got HPPD from the salvia trip now. I have minor static vision when I stare.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112550
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Nov 21, 2018Views: 796
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Depression (15), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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