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Gave It a Go Because I Really Wanted to Know
Citation:   ADDAverageJoe. "Gave It a Go Because I Really Wanted to Know: An Experience with Methylphenidate (exp112610)". Dec 2, 2018.

T+ 0:00
20 mg insufflated Pharms - Methylphenidate (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:30 10 mg insufflated Pharms - Methylphenidate (ground / crushed)
Cocaine vs Ritalin - ADD Average Joe

I got diagnosed with adult adhd, I totally suffer from it, I don't even needed a doctor for the diagnosis, just the moment I read the symptoms out of the dsm was like the criteria had been written by me. My psychiatrist put me on 20 mg daily split in two doses, it had 0 or rather -1 effect on me, I still was very symptomatic and also had to deal with cold hands and sweating during the day.

So I started to research on my own about dosages and ways of administration, and I find out snorting it is better for recreational use because it increases the amount that gets to the brain and its quicker. So at this point I have a bunch of Ritalin accumulated and gave it a go snorting it because I really wanted to know how could this thing be considered a "stimulant".

Also I'm Colombian and I've had a few experiences with high quality cocaine, I never could get the habit even when it is dirt cheap to get here because of those dark horrendous comedowns and such a short high, so at this point I'm in that "whatever" state of mind and decide to:

At 19:30 I did 20mg of ritalin IR insufflated, crushed two 10mg pills into fine powder using a card, got surprised how easy it was, and snorted it.

20:00 started to feel the upper effect way more noticeable than when I take them orally, 20mg is my daily prescription but I stopped taking it because it was so useless. So anyways, at that time I decide I'm going for 10mg more because even when I'm feeling more active and uneasy, I still felt no euphoria like this reports say. So same thing, crushed and snorted the powder.

20:30 "holy s*** this is great" sums it all up, I feel my temperature raising, my heart pounding, and for the first 20 to 30 minutes I feel this intense feeling of well being, like I could almost fall asleep in a cloud of warm well being. I feel like enjoying just sitting still, I started thinking what should I do tomorrow to progress in my business, what gifts should I buy my family at Christmas, my ego is boosted... You know... Just like the cocaine high but just a little shakier in a good sense, I started to think better of myself my life and my future, I think to myself "I should do one more" thing that I didn't do in fear of a cocaine-like comedown just around the corner (which wasn't the case).

23:00 the comedown is definitively here, nothing interests me and all seems more boring than usual, I just want time to pass by, but I keep thinking Ritalin is in fact way better than cocaine in my opinion:

1.the high is just about the same.
2. Lasts like 4 to 6 times longer.
3. Since I don't have to re dose, the comedown is very bearable, specially with 7.5 eszopiclone to get that insomnia out of the way.
4. It's cheap
5. It's safer than street cocaine
6. The powder is very dry which makes snorting it like snorting sand off a desert but it's very soluble, so it almost disappears inside my nose and doesn't keep bothering me at all.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112610
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Dec 2, 2018Views: 3,351
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Pharms - Methylphenidate (114) : Unknown Context (20), Medical Use (47), General (1)

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