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Australian Adventure
Citation:   Jimmy Garcia. "Australian Adventure: An Experience with MDMA (exp11262)". Aug 1, 2019.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Ecstasy Report (A1)

The guys kept saying, take it now, take it now. I wanted to wait a bit longer so I would peak around 12, not knowing for sure how long the experience would last. I gave into their convincing tone and knocked it back with some warm coke. I sat back in my seat, waiting for something to happen. Half an hour later I had to go, I trekked over to the toilet and did my business. On the way back I felt something, nothing major but a definite sign my pill was kicking in. I sat back down, several friends asked me, “is it working yet”. At this moment my head started to pulse and I needed a drink, not alcohol, that can’t be good. I sat in my seat looking around at my friends, a warm feeling had come over me, me vision was unsettled and I felt great. Ecstasy was happening and so far it was the best experience of my life, little did I know it was about to get better and better.

Someone brought my some water, my friend Chad I think. I sculled the water pretty quickly although Briggs told me to go easy. I had a guy called Cameron sitting next to me, he knew well the ecstasy experience and looked at me with interest. Meanwhile my vision was pulsing, nothing like alcohol or pot, but like slipping between two worlds, one of them reality. I sunk back into my seat, unsure of the world in front of me. I began to consolidate thoughts to myself, thoughts about forces we could not control, weird thoughts were entering into my mind which now I cannot recall. I could not quite grasp the concepts however I was being locked out, unworthy of the understanding.

I could feel my own body around my with such precision. It felt incredibly good just to flex my muscles, I felt in control and powerful. The ultimate energy source was right in front of me, I could take all I desired, I could do anything and beat anybody at anything. I began to draw thirsty once more and kindly asked for a drink. I spoke so fast that my friends looked puzzled, they all knew I was feeling it. While waiting for the water I noted a change, my vision was now becoming slower, it was pulsing less and I began to feel light headed. Some random sitting next to me said an E he had taken made him feel like blacking out, glad that someone understood this was exactly how I felt, I could feel the blood boiling inside of me and my vision drew fainter and fainter. I thought of was going to black out for a second, but somehow I knew I would not. I got my vision back but in a different way, it was like being incredibly drunk but still having the reflexes, it was a good feeling. I felt myself buzzing, my legs were bouncing, my friends tried to restrain my legs but failed, nothing was stopping them. Now I was experiencing a buzzing sensation, I was full of energy and I could do anything. As I finished off my drink I saw water as the lifeline of everything, almost as if light surrounded it. Water was giving me unlimited energy, it was the most precious substance on earth. Out of the corner of my eye i spotted the pool, I felt like drinking from it, I was very thirsty. I had to stand up, I could no longer hold in all this energy, it was bursting out of me. My body started moving and bopping without my input, I felt like I could grab a handful of energy and run home if I needed to, my body would have no problems keeping up. I could not sit down from now on. My friends were preparing to leave, Chad’s parents were taking us down in two cars to Scarboriugh, the local popular beach hangout. My friend pulled me into one of the cars while I clenched my fists and grounding my teeth repetitively. I could not stop, I had to be doing something. I was just happy, it didn’t matter what was going on. In the car I could not stop fidgeting, I was spinning myself out just looking out the window. I was packed in a car with some of the best friends I will ever have, at that moment I could not have been happier.

I lost sight of what was happening around this point, not as though I didn’t know the plan, I just didn’t care what we were doing. I had already lost sight of going to Scarborough earlier on that night, however I still wanted to go. The car headed into an abyss of people as we neared our destination. I looked out the window with ore as hundreds of attractive women wearing close to nothing dashed past. I didn’t even realize we had stopped before my mates were pushing me out of the car.

I stood there buzzing while my mates massed in one group. I was impatient and eager for a piece of the action. I felt I could talk to anyone and be everyone’s superior. My eyes started to spasm from left to right as I hit the peak of the drug. This was a strange but enjoyable experience, it added to the effect that I was not quite in reality and that I could do anything I pleased. We decided to go for a trek to check out the action and find our other mates. I talked to a lot of people on the way, including chicks. Half the time I didn’t even realize I was speaking to someone until seconds later, I couldn’t keep up with myself.

Basically we walked around Scarborough for three hours until midnight, to me it seemed like half an hour of which not much I remember. In this time I had many warm conversations with women I had never seen I my life before but I didn’t care about that, I just wanted to go and meet everybody.

My eyes started to slow a little and the disappointment hit me, I was coming down. I quickly directed my gaze at the clock, eleven thirty. I wasn’t fully off the drug yet but coming down before the pass of Newyears was disappointing. It was almost like I was sober again, everything looked clear and normal, I was still racing at least. The come down for me was overwhelmingly depressing. I could still mingle and have fun, but it was nothing compared to the pure joy of the peak of ecstasy.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 11262
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 1, 2019Views: 851
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MDMA (3) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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