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Anecdotal Tinnitus Kinematics
Citation:   Adlai. "Anecdotal Tinnitus Kinematics: An Experience with LSD (exp112660)". Dec 14, 2018.

  oral LSD (liquid)
I have a reasonably extensive experience with serotonergics, cannabinoids, and somewhat eclectic experience with various other assorted psychoactives, with honorable mention for dopaminergic stimulants, which I currently do my best to avoid. By the time of this experience, I have developed a relatively high long-term tolerance for psychedelics, although my short-term tolerances are currently low.

I had been sipping tea prepared with roughly fifty micrograms of LSD for about an hour [had taken 25 micrograms, approximately], while doing organic chemistry homework; and once I was alone in the classroom, I turned on some music. The music was played from a single speaker, located inside a desktop computer about half a meter from my head, on my right side. I've been slightly congested in the recent weeks, due to the onset of winter, but could currently hear the music clearly from both ears.

This experience occurred less than a minute after checking the credits on the recording, while wondering at the exact nature of work done to earn those credits categorized as engineering rather than performance.

Without significant physical sensation from my left ear, the following two changes occurred simultaneously: a high-pitched noise began to my left, reminiscent in timbre to white noise with the lower registers muted, without any noticeable attack; and the subjective location of the music panned sharply rightwards. Within the next minute, the noise faded almost out of perceptibility, while the source of music retained its new subjective angle. Throughout this experience, the computer playing the music was entirely in my field of vision, so I was consciously aware that it had not moved.

After a few minutes of reflection, I recorded the above experience, and returned to my work.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112660
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Dec 14, 2018Views: 728
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LSD (2) : General (1), Alone (16)

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