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The Ultimate in Stupidity
Citation:   Experi-MENTAL. "The Ultimate in Stupidity: An Experience with Epinephrine/Adrenochrome (exp11270)". Feb 20, 2007.

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1 bowl oral Adrenochrome (liquid)
Last night I did something stupid. Let me rephrase that—I did something so stupid that I may suffer for the rest of my life because of it. Don’t be stupid like me.

Lately, I’ve been curious about a chemical called adrenochrome which is produced from oxidized epinephrine, as I understand it. I knew that I would not be able to find any pure adrenochrome commercially as it is very unstable so I looked for some commercially available epinephrine and found it in the form of “Primatene Mist”, an inhaled asthma medication that is used quite common here in the US.

Anyway, I bought a Primatene refill canister and emptied it by prying it open with scissors and discharging it into a Zip-Loc baggie. I let the propellant diffuse and them poured the solution of epinephrine and alcohol (smelled like ethanol) into a shallow glass baking dish. I let this evaporate until nothing remained except for a thin, almost clear, gummy layer. I then microwaved this for 2 minutes on “high” to be sure that all of the liquid had evaporated and to ensure that all the epinephrine had been oxidized.

When the dish cooled, I scraped up the residue and rolled it into a gummy, brownish-pink ball. I then smoked it free-base style and got no effects. I now realize that the adrenochrome would have easily been decomposed by the heat before it even reached my lungs. Obviously, everything that I’ve described so far has been flawed and/or stupid. However, the REAL MISTAKE is yet to come!

Chapter 1—What Was I Thinking?!

Seeing that some of the residue was still stuck to the baking dish, I decided to rehydrate the gummy substance and drink it. So that’s exactly what I did—and I sure the hell paid for it. I’m still paying for it. In fact, I have no idea what the hell I drank but I do know that it caused the most severe gastric disturbance that I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with.

About 20 minutes after drinking the solution, I felt a tightness in my stomach. Within 45 minutes I was in the midst of the worst pain that I’ve ever felt—pure torture. This feeling could not be described as nausea. I did, however, try smoking some “anti-nausea medication” in order to calm my stomach but to no avail. The pain felt like my stomach was completely gorged with pure hydrochloric acid and my stomach lining was dissolving.

I tried to make myself vomit but with limited success. I was able to throw up a small amount but this brought me no relief. I consumed many, many Rolaids, Tums, Pepto Bismal tablets, and drank several glasses of milk in an attempt to raise the pH of my stomach contents. About 2 hours and 10 glasses of milk after drinking the detestable liquid I somehow managed to fall asleep on my sofa. Waking up about an hour later, my stomach felt mostly normal but still burned a little bit. I got into bed with my wife and fell asleep. Thank goodness it was all finally over…

Chapter 2—Not Over Yet!!!

At about 5:30 a.m., I awoke with the same searing stomach pain as before. I tossed and turned violently because no matter how I was positioned, the pain was the same. The pain came from the INSIDE. I ran to my bathroom and vomited repeatedly (not self-induced, this time). Still, my stomach burned with an agonizing ferocity. I grabbed a blanket and lay down on my sofa, reeling in total agony until I somehow fell asleep having very vivid dreams.

I awoke about 2 hours later and had to get ready for work. Thankfully, the pain was reduced to the level of medium-strong indigestion. Even now, almost 24 hours after the pain first reared its ugly head, I am still feeling a sensation similar to moderate indigestion. I keep eating Tums and Rolaids and I think that this is helping but I have to wonder if I’ve damaged myself permanently. The symptoms that I experienced last night and early this morning coincide with my father’s description of an ulcer attack. I hope that I haven’t given myself an ulcer but if I did, it’s my own stupid fault.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11270
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 20, 2007Views: 23,641
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