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Concussion and Hospitalized
Citation:   ConcussionWave. "Concussion and Hospitalized: An Experience with Bupropion (exp112707)". May 26, 2020.

13 tablets oral Pharms - Bupropion
I had a concussion and I’m suffering the consequences.

I’m an addict. I understand that what I do is unacceptable, despicable even. I’m trying to stop it, but it’s very difficult.
Unfortunately, I smoked all of my weed, which helps. So, I needed to find something to get high. I lied my way into my grandparents bathroom, and found my usual med of choice; Bupropion.

I had used bupropion in the past, and semi-enjoyed it. I grabbed 13 tablets and downed them. The effects usually take an hour to kick in, so I went to my room, layerd on my bench, and played some video games. About 30 minutes later, the effects were kicking in. I was confused, wondering why, I didn’t worry about it, so I did my usual thing. I turned on some music, and kept playing my games. Not much happened, I dizzy, and couldn’t drink or eat. My throat felt filled and nothing would go down. Normal stuff.
Then my mom got home.

I heard her car pulling in, and she had bought me soda. I ran into the house, and dashed for my drink. I hugged my mom, and sat at the table, watching some cartoons. Then shit got real.

My brain started forgetting things immediately, gotten dizzy as hell, and my foot started tapping on the floor at hyper speed. Even if I stopped, it started again. I was freaked up and tried to ignore it. Then, suddenly my brain had an urge to move really fast. It went to my whole body, and it was getting awful. I was in hell until, it stopped in a few moments.

My grandparents asked me to take the garbage cans out. It was nighttime when it happed. I, stupidly, did. I paid attention to the time and rememberd it; 6:30. The path to my destination was long and gravel. I got them out fine, and I turned back around and head back to the house. The dizziness hit like a fraught train. I kept walking to the house and I could not recognize anything, though I kept walking. Then I woke up.

I didn’t remember falling. I was just walking and wake up. I was very groggy, and my head stung a little; kinda like a spider bite. I was confused of why I was sleeping in the road. So, I took my phone out and it was 7:56. I freaked out, got up, and bolted to the house.

When I got in, my family was concerned. The left side of my head was bloody from a giant scratch. For understandable reason, I was drove to the hospital. They ruled that I had a concussion. I am still suffering three weeks later.

Don’t be me. Please don’t be me. I’m an asshole, and never touching any drug again.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112707
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: May 26, 2020Views: 827
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