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Royal Flush
Salvia Divinoran
Citation:   Rusty Shakleford. "Royal Flush: An Experience with Salvia Divinoran (exp112745)". Jan 3, 2019.

62.5 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I took one bong hit of 20X Salvia. I don't want to repeat the experience.

Setting was home, by myself, mid day, board and looking for something to do. Let's try this salvia stuff!

Mindset: Board but otherwise relaxed and in a good mood.

No prescriptions, supplements or other mind altering substances were ingested this day other than several cups of coffee.

No intentions other than to explore the effects of this substance a good and trusted old hippie friend recommended I try.

The only insight gained was that I deffinatly want some control when imbibing in mind-altering substances and salvia for all intents and purposes relieved me of any sense of control.

No particular preparations; just load the bong with what I estimate to be 0.050 to 0.075 grams 20X salvia, light with a torch lighter, inhale untill the bong clears, got up while holding it in, walked to the bedroom to lay down, exhaled and lay back on the bed. I don't recall my head hitting the pillow; I lost conciousnes which eventually became and out of control vague awareness of my situation. Fear was deffinatly part of it. As for what awareness there was, I recall going back to the living room where I'd taken the hit, moving the bong to the kitchen thinking "never again will I smoke this substance", going to my back door (though I may have opened it I do not believe I went outside) going back to the bedroom and living room. Visually:Off my left shoulder I saw what looked like reality in a stack of still video frames all fanned out like a deck of cards. To my right, a gray hued nothingness. I kept going to the right but forcing myself to go back to the left where safe reality (though a fanned out deck of cards in appearance) existed. Stepping to the right and into the gray seemed like doom or death. I was saying "no" repeatedly and stomped my foot several times (at least I think I did) as if that might startle me back to reality. This eventually waned and came and went until I lay back down and began to relax.

Interesting but frightening. As time passes I think I might like this at a lower dose but I doubt I will use it again. I don't want to repeat this particular experience.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112745
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 57
Published: Jan 3, 2019Views: 859
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Bad Trips (6), Unknown Context (20)

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