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Chains of Connections
Citation:   H. Gladstone. "Chains of Connections: An Experience with DMT (exp112899)". Apr 20, 2019.

3 hits vaporized DMT
I've done this before. My friend was very accommodating to provide a comfortable, well lit, safe area for me to exit the box. Three hits, one small, one medium, one big. Holding my hits in each time, by the third I am entering this place again. I hand my friend the pipe and he leaves the room. I lay back, close my eyes, and face the lights on the ceiling.

The visions start. Swirling orange patterns with lime green edges. They grow in intricacy forming an encompassing fractal wall surrounding me. The colors shift to red and black. The geometry is indescribable. Fractals within fractals. I am swimming through thick, electronic, perpetual rebirth. A room of cosmic Elder Gods.

I can't stop thinking about my childhood, my adolescence, my girlfriend, my coworkers, my parents, my family, my traumas, my failures, my successes. I am faced with the fragile optimism of life. How we are all trying to play this game. How we are all just children playing a game. There is no answer. You are born, you grow up, you die. You are given a short time on this planet, in this body. Don't take yourself so seriously, you're just a kid. You will always be a kid playing a game.

I am beginning to come down. I am completely overwhelmed by all of this. I have to remind myself to breathe. I have to remind myself to stay calm and stay connected to the music I was playing. The room is still a fractal mess, but its slowly falling back into place. I feel the couch, look at my hands, I am still in one piece. I am a fortunate soul. I am humbled and grateful to be in the situation I am in.

My friends dog comes in the room and licks my hand. I tell him that he's a good dog and watch his tail wag. My friend enters shortly after. I tell him how I feel like I got squashed, like I fell into a volcano. He laughs saying he felt the same way. We talk about things for another hour then I split.

I still can't believe how far out I got and how I am back here in one piece trying to remember what happened by writing it out on a computer.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 112899
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Apr 20, 2019Views: 704
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DMT (18) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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