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Interesting, but I Won't Do It Again
Citation:   Pyschonaut483. "Interesting, but I Won't Do It Again: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp112904)". Jul 16, 2020.

50 - 275 mg oral Diphenhydramine
After reading trip reports on Benadryl and other deliriants, my curiosity about them grew. One day when a slight rash broke about, I bought some benadryl and took 50 mg to alleviate the rash. To my surprise, this normal dose didn’t only get me tired, but made me feel loopy and noticeably impaired my motor control. Now interested by that experience another time I took 175 mg with a friend who took 150 mg, and it made for an interesting viewing of 2001 A Space Odyssey.
Again I got curious and decided to take more with the same friend; I took 275 mg in the form of liquid capsules and he took 250mg. We decided to take a walk with some of our friends, who were just only smoking weed, on the beach.

It took about 45 minutes before I started to feel the effects, which I first noticed when I stopped walking to get a drink of water. The body load felt like a few drinks of alcohol; slowed down but without euphoria. As I walked more, the cliffs on the side of the beach seemed to have an overlay on them, which looked like 60’s oil light show projections and television static. At first I thought I was seeing this because it was dark outside, but as time passed these visual became more obvious. About an hour and a half in, I was starting to lose some coordination and would occasionally stumble or bump into one of my friends while walking. When we got to a sidewalk at the exit of the beach, we stopped walking and I felt really felt the body load, which is best described as a slightly heavy feeling buzz. I looked at the grass near the sidewalk and it appeared to be moving, just like it would if I took a low dose of LSD. At this point, a foreboding feeling arose, which didn’t really scare me but certainly made the experience interesting. As we were walking along the side walk back to one of my friend’s house, a dog in a car barked at me, which gave me the feeling of an electric shock. This also happened 20 minutes later when I saw the only spider I would see during the high, which seems to be a hallmark of deliriant trips. Leaves on the side of a storm drain turned into a giant tarantula for a split second, and prompted to scare me a bit.

When we got back to my friends house we watched a disturbing anime which I forgot the name of, and didn’t enjoy so I just used my phone. Before going to sleep, I was so impaired that I took considerable effort just to type in a name of a youtube channel. The next morning I woke up feeling groggy, and although this experience was interesting, I don’t plan on doing DPH, or any deliriants in the future.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 112904
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 16, 2020Views: 1,130
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