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Rather Wasted Trip
1B-LSD & Atomoxetine
Citation:   catlady. "Rather Wasted Trip: An Experience with 1B-LSD & Atomoxetine (exp112974)". Mar 24, 2019.

T+ 0:00
80 mg oral Pharms - Atomoxetine (daily)
  T+ 0:00 125 ug oral 1B-LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 9:00 50 mg oral Pharms - Trazodone  
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Seven months ago I started taking atomoxetine (Strattera, ADHD med) daily. I continually got to my current dose of 40 mg in the morning and 40mg in the evening. I take 50mg of Trittico (antidepressant for sleeping) daily as well. I ordered 5 papers of 1B-LSD online and took one of them at 9 in the evening.

After 30 minutes I felt the music was too loud and I could hear the sound with all its imperfections and had to lower down the volume in my earphones. An hour later I took Strattera as I always do at that time. I remembered I was hungry, so I quickly put my clothes on and went to a pizza restaurant right next to the place I stay. Terrible loud music was playing in that place but I didn’t really mind, which is pretty weird because I usually get very irritated by popular shitty music. I had very sharp thinking, ordered in a fast manner but I felt I was shaking. My voice was shaking and my hands as well.
My voice was shaking and my hands as well.
I noticed that when I talked to the waiter. I was well self-aware of every move of my body at that point. My mind was working really fast but life around me was running really slowly. I was also getting a little bit paranoid but nothing special. I was able to overcome any upcoming thoughts about the waiter watching me for behaving in a weird way.

Two and half hours past the intake of 1B-LSD I was back home, my belly full of pizza and I felt extreme boredom. I felt like nothing is happening (which was also true because I was locked alone in my room) and wanted to chat with someone badly. I texted my friends and shared my troubles with boredom, trying to figure out what I will do the whole night. I still listened to some music but I was bored, until one point when I played Darktek (fast music). Everything changed with that. One of my friends said he was coming to meet me for a cigarette so I got ready and went out for a fresh air. The weather was nice but temperature was around 1 degree Celsius. I felt very warm, that was unexpected because I am the one who is always cold. I kept one of those earphones in my ear and put out the second so I could engage in a conversation.

It was around 3 hours after the intake, I had very good time outside. Some familiar people joined our conversation and I enjoyed talking with them. I was extremely social, very talkative, very expressive. I didn’t really think what I was going to say but when I said something I knew I was doing good job and people laughed with me so I guess I was also funny. I noticed I could listen to the music through one of my ears and engage in the conversation involving 3 other people at the same time. I smoked 4 cigarettes while outside in about an hour and half.

5 hours in the trip I was already back in my room and drawed a picture on one whole page of my notebook. It took me two hours to finish that drawing and I couldn’t stop until it was done. During the creative process I realized that I love one specific person in my life and that I want to be with him. I have always loved him but now it felt different because I knew I want to spend my life with him. I went out for another cigarette, came back, sat on my bed and tried to relax for a bit. Suddenly, my heart was beating so fast I could actually hear it. For a second, I thought I stopped breathing and panicked. I took few deep breaths and got up off the bed. I came to my table and noticed my computer was still running because I prepared it in case I wanted to type down some thought that would occur during the high. I thought what if I wrote a love letter to my crush and I had an idea how to start and then it all went down very quickly, and I was hyperfocused on writing it. It took me few hours to finish that letter. During this last activity I felt the high leaving me slowly.

It was around 9 hours to the trip, I took Trittico and fell asleep two hours later, right after brushing my teeth and changing into pyjamas. The whole thing lasted from 9pm till 8am. I hadn’t a single vision, no hallucinations whatsoever. I felt disappointed by that. Later I found out that it was probably Atomoxetine causing it.

To sum it up, I enjoyed talking to people the most. Alone I was so bored and the only thing I seriously enjoyed when on my own was the music. Otherwise I was deep focused on some activity like the drawing, typing down the letter or reading articles on my phone.Tripping is more fun when done with people I enjoy, admire or care about.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 112974
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Mar 24, 2019Views: 2,714
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1B-LSD (885) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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