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Psychological Dependence and Near Constant Use
Hordenine & Phenethylamine
Citation:   Aardvadillo. "Psychological Dependence and Near Constant Use: An Experience with Hordenine & Phenethylamine (exp113084)". May 8, 2019.

50-200 mg oral Hordenine
  500-2000 mg oral Phenethylamine
Taking a Ride (or 2) With Hordenine and PEA

I took hordenine and phenylethylamine (PEA) together many times over the course of 2 sprees. The first, in 2014, led to at least psychological dependence and near constant use, ingesting up to roughly ten grams of phenylethylamine some days. -warning, I have been told this can cause brain damage, aside form the more obvious stomach damage-

The second spree, in 2016, was less extensive. The combination is an intense and pleasurable rush that compares a little to amphetamine, but really is its own experience. If it didn't cause brain damage something else did, because my memory is less than great, but I remember the rush being accompanied by tingles and sweating. This may be due to often excessive doses of 100 mg hordenine followed 10-30 min later with up to 2g of phenylethylamine split between a few doses maybe 15 minutes apart, which I understand are large doses.

Let it be clear this is a cautionary tale, the pleasure was addictive and could be accompanied by physical damage. I definitely do not recommend going over 1.5g phenylethylamine, as overdoses on this are vaguely terrifying (due to intense tingling that started becoming piercing, and racing heart) in addition to physically damaging. High doses can also cause clouded, paranoid, and aggressive thinking in my experience. I remember developing a raw throat from pouring the phenylethylamine into beverages, a vile but quick-acting and therefore especially pleasurable method of taking it, making it nearly instant instead of taking maybe a minute for parachuting or up to 20 min for pills, depending on stomach contents, but as little at maybe 7 or 8 for me at times.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 113084
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: May 8, 2019Views: 8,317
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Phenethylamine (695), Hordenine (790) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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