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Not Worth the Money
Herbal Ecstasy
by Mad
Citation:   Mad. "Not Worth the Money: An Experience with Herbal Ecstasy (exp11312)". Jan 1, 2008.

T+ 0:00
2 tablets oral Herbal Ecstasy (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:45 3 tablets oral Herbal Ecstasy (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:15 5 tablets oral Herbal Ecstasy (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00   oral Alcohol (liquid)
I took 2 pills for the initial dose. After 45 minutes, I did not feel anything, so I took 3 more. 30 minutes later, still no affect on me whatsoever. So I said, 'What the hell?' and took the remaining 5. I eventually started to feel real shaky, and this lasted all night long, to the extent were I could not sleep at all. The shakiness that I felt was about the equivalance of a couple of diet pills that contain ephedrine. I felt extremely nauseous, but since the herbal E wasn't doing anything, I had also began to drink, so I'm not sure if it was the herbal E, alcohol, or the combination of the 2 that made me feel queasy. I paid $25 for 10 pills that only resulted in shakiness, insomnia, and nausea. In other words, if it seems to good to be true, then it is.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11312
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 1, 2008Views: 25,746
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