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Never Again
Cannabis & Alcohol
Citation:   Gracy. "Never Again: An Experience with Cannabis & Alcohol (exp113121)". May 2, 2019.

T+ 0:00
1 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Alcohol  
  T+ 0:30 1 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
I was drinking before going to the club with some friends of mine like we usually would, except this time, someone made some weed brownies that we started eating. We made one baking tray with about two grams in it, thinking it would not be that bad.

I ate my first brownie around the start. According to the internet, these would take about an hour to kick in, which I was ready to wait out. I finished it after a while and everything was going well, so obviously I started drinking too.

Because of the drinking, I obviously didn’t care anymore, taking another half a brownie only half an hour after the first one. This was when things started going south.

I had a really hard time finishing my Brownie, my body clearly telling me to stop though I ignored all warning signs.
I had a really hard time finishing my Brownie, my body clearly telling me to stop though I ignored all warning signs.
I soon started getting dizzy, thinking this was the first one kicking in. I went to the bathroom soon after to get myself some water to drink. I drank one cup, still feeling extremely dizzy. That’s when everything went black and for a short while I passed out.

I soon regained consciousness, resulting in me starting to dry heave though I would not throw up. I was panicking at that point, thinking I was literally going to go to the hospital. I drank another cup of water, still feeling extremely bad while the others were getting ready to leave.

So I got into the car and I was doing okay. That’s until I realized I was getting more and more nauseous. And before I could even tell the driver to pull over, I started vomiting all over myself multiple times. We pulled over and I threw up some more, my stomach hurting really badly. I was crying at this point, totally panicking. We decided it was the best to drop me off at home although things did not end there.

I was throwing up the whole night, my body not being able to keep liquids or food inside of me. I was shaking from how cold I was. I actually continued throwing up for two more days afterwards.

It was at this point I decided I would never take cannabis orally again.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113121
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 2, 2019Views: 635
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Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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