I Was Determined to Find Out
Cocaine & Cannabis
Citation:   Playmate. "I Was Determined to Find Out: An Experience with Cocaine & Cannabis (exp113125)". Erowid.org. Oct 23, 2022. erowid.org/exp/113125

  buccal Cocaine (powder / crystals)
    repeated insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis  
Cocaine Eyes

A few days ago, I was offered a 'free sample' of some cocaine from a dealer I had just met. I've always spoken very lowly about coke, or at least I would prior to my first time trying it, due to seeing many people close to me get sucked into addiction; which made me very hesitant to accept the sample in the first place. But I'd have to be crazy to turn down some free drugs, so he handed me a little rock and I put it in a container and headed home to check it out...

A little background about me- I am what you might call 'a seasoned drug user'. Before ever trying coke, I used various pills, psychedelics, and street drugs including meth and heroin pretty heavily. I've never been a drug addict, but I have an addictive personality when it comes to things that bring me pleasure. Uppers are my least favorite, which also made me quite hesitant to accept the coke; a bad experience with meth caused me to decide to stay away from stimulant drugs altogether. With all of these details combined, I'm really not sure why I still decided to try cocaine.

I put the coke rock out on a tray as soon as I got home. The first thing I noticed was the way it sparkled. It was the purest white, white like the clouds in the sky on a sunny day. And the sparkle it had was almost pearlescent, it shimmered from all angles. I had no idea what to expect from it, at first I didn't even plan on taking a bump. I broke off a piece of the rock, and to my surprise, it was incredibly soft. It broke off like butter. It wasn't as powdery as I expected, it broke down, but the little bits of coke stuck together because of its softness.

Instead of snorting it right away, I decided to do the classic 'gumming' test I'd seen people do before. Gumming coke is when you take a little bit of the powder, put it in your mouth and rub it on your gums. If your mouth goes numb, then it's good coke. I didn't expect to get high from this, but I did. My whole mouth and face was numb, and all I could think was "time to do a line and see what the REAL hype is all about."

So I took a little bit, chopped it up with a bus card and snorted it. This is a little weird but, I immediately felt like I needed to go to the restroom (bad timing for my bowels to move, right?). And as I was sitting on the toilet, I peaked. The high was similar to what I remember it felt like to overdose on ecstasy, I felt dizzy. The most unpleasant part of that first line was the little coke burps that came after it. I don't know what causes it, but I notice every time I take a bump, a few minutes later I'll have air bubbles coming up. The lights became too bright, colors intensified, my heart was racing and I started to sweat. I tried to smoke some weed to calm down, but when I hit the bowl and exhaled, I just felt higher. A rush of euphoria would go through my body each time. As I peaked higher, eventually it was too much for me and I literally threw up.

I hated that first peak, and I thought, coke is awful, why does everyone love it so much? But I was determined to find out, so I continued to do more coke that night. And let me tell y'all...I did not intend for this to turn into a days-long binge. But here I am, on day 4. I don't know what changed, but after I started to build up a slight tolerance to the coke, the high became more enjoyable. I find myself always thinking about taking another bump now, as if it's my job to stay high on cocaine. The best part of the high for me is the numbing affect. I won't stop doing bumps until my lips and right nostril are completely numb. It gives me the invincible feeling of meth, combined with the it-doesn't-matter feeling of heroin.

I won't be buying any more after I'm out of this bag, because I can see how it could easily turn into an out-of-control addiction, especially for someone who tends to turn to getting high for comfort.

I'll be sticking with my weed...after I finish the rest of this coke.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113125
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Oct 23, 2022Views: 651
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Cocaine (13) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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