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Felt Very Significant to My Life
by apu
Citation:   apu. "Felt Very Significant to My Life: An Experience with MDMA & LSD (exp113137)". May 16, 2019.

T+ 0:00
  oral LSD
  T+ 3:00 120 mg oral MDMA
This was also my first time Candyflipping.

Its not like LSD and MDMA just together, it works in a special way. I would say its like MDMA but with extremely deep understanding.

So I dropped 240ug of LSD around 9 am and went to bike to the nearby beach during a peaceful and sunny Sunday morning.

After taking a fun and crazy bike ride on LSD for 3 hours, I got home and took 120mg of MDMA as I had planned. 10 minutes later I felt this strange feeling I've never felt before, and it made me quite anxious for a bit. Very hard to explain the feeling. After that passed, I suddenly experienced crazy intense but very pleasant waves of joy, happiness and contentment like I never felt before even on higher doses of MDMA. Next was a huge build up of energy and I just HAD to dance like a mad man to release some of the energy.
I just HAD to dance like a mad man to release some of the energy.

+40 minutes later, MDMA is starting to peak and I have an ego death which leaves me floored, I felt connected to the universe, nothing mattered and it was such an amazing feeling, I had this vision of "melting" into infinity and it felt as real as typing this now.

The visuals of the external world weren't that interesting, MDMA might have even reduced them a bit, but when I decided to close my eyes, I was literally blown away by the closed eye visuals. It was crazy to say the least, Alex Grey painting like, haven't done DMT but I guess it would be similar. Deep space, fractals, eyes, tunnel-like visuals.

I felt like I finally had all the answers to my problems, and I wrote a ton of personal stuff down to think about. The whole trip felt very significant to my life and I think I got just what I wanted out of it.

The comedown was quite nasty, I didn't eat much before the trip and I had some tolerance to MDMA, so it might have affected that. Got a pretty bad headache even though I drank a lot of water and my body felt very exhausted afterwards, slept 10 hours after that.

Overall, it was an amazing experience.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113137
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: May 16, 2019Views: 744
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MDMA (3), LSD (2) : Alone (16), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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