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Ho Hum and Ambien Side Effects
Citation:   Brian. "Ho Hum and Ambien Side Effects: An Experience with Etizolam (exp113164)". Erowid.org. May 10, 2019. erowid.org/exp/113164

Etizest / Etizolam doesn't do much psychologically; almost zero buzz. As sleeping pill, do much anything I want to do, with a little clumsiness - but when I lay down in bed I will fall asleep in under 5 minutes. Depending on the dose, I could sleep an easy 12 hours.

Unfortunately, it has "ambien side effects." Like making and eating a sandwich and having no recollection of doing that. Also, some of my furniture may be rearranged. Worse yet I may "wake up", sign for a package from my mail delivery person, and have zero memory of it. Avoiding online shopping.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113164
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 54
Published: May 10, 2019Views: 1,252
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Etizolam (568) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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