Underestimated Dab Pen
Citation:   nosebleed. "Underestimated Dab Pen: An Experience with Cannabis (exp113240)". Erowid.org. Jun 27, 2019. erowid.org/exp/113240

10 hits vaporized Cannabis (extract)
  20 mg oral Pharms - Citalopram (daily)
Previous Experience: At this time, I had not been smoking weed for long. I had only smoked 4 times, and my tolerance was still quite low. However, I greatly enjoyed it, and planned to both smoke more cannabis and try LSD.
Time:~6:00 PM
Setting: Friend’s house, nice spring day
Mindset: Some stress in background, mostly relaxed
Other notes: At this point in time, I was on a prescription of 20mg citalopram (celexa) daily.

After a long week of schoolwork, my buddy and I decided to relax and get high. I went over to his house where he showed me his new dab pen. I asked him where he got the carts from, and he said he had gotten them from a friend. I was skeptical about their quality, but he assured me it was “good shit.” We both took several hits (approximately 10 each, although I’m not 100% positive) and waited for the effects (other than a burning throat) to kick in.

First thing I noticed was a lack of ability to focus. My thoughts were jumping around and it was harder to form coherent sentences and understand others. With it came a lack of hand-eye coordination, making physical tasks harder. My peripheral vision became more fuzzy. Also, the typical euphoria and giggles kicked in.

However, I had never experienced what would happen next. First came intense shaking, nothing like the little bit of shaking from previous experiences with weed. Next, my vision went completely crazy. When I focused on an object, the area around it that I was not focusing on would flash black and white. Objects would also sometimes feel closer than they were if I looked at them and moved my head back and forth. I began seeing tracers. But, perhaps strangest of all, was the teleportation of objects I saw at the peak.

I don’t know if teleportation is a good word for it, but I don’t think drifting is good either. Objects I looked at would often move slightly in one direction and then instantly zip back to their starting place. This accompanied me feeling like I was falling and frequently losing my balance. If I tried to sit straight up in a chair, I would feel like I was falling and eventually rest my head on the countertop, without trying to.

I was absolutely loopy at this point, and I began spinning in circles on my friend’s couch, giggling uncontrollably. It had hit him hard too, and he was acting strangely as well, pacing and speaking incoherently (or maybe I was too high to understand him!). We fired up Smash Bros. and neither of us could play well at all. Eventually, we settled in and started watching TV.

About an hour and a half in, I was starting to come down slightly. I had the munchies hard, and searched for something to eat. What I realized at this point was how slow time felt to me. It wasn’t like getting something to eat was a colossal effort to me, it just felt like it was taking forever. This was actually slightly annoying, especially when trying to set up my amp and guitar later (we’re both musicians). We chilled and watched TV for a long while. I wasn’t paying attention to it because trying to was difficult and it was hard to comprehend what was happening.

Eventually, around 10:30, we went out to a nearby gas station to grab some food. It was a beautiful night, and in retrospect I wish we had walked out there for longer, enjoying the weather. After coming back to his house, we ate our food, watched some more TV and eventually went to sleep. The next morning, both of us could still feel a slight buzz. Time was moving a little slowly still, and it was taking longer to process things. This wore off pretty quickly.

Overall, this was a fun experience. Definitely the highest I had ever been, and I’d certainly like to try getting this high again (although I doubt I could do something like that every day).

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113240
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jun 27, 2019Views: 725
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Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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