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Aching Sides
Citation:   Juulianne. "Aching Sides: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp113306)". Jul 10, 2019.

300 mg oral Diphenhydramine
This was pretty much my worst trip and I don’t think I’ll ever repeat this experience. The plan for this whole trip was to be taking DPH with a friend who I was on a call with on Discord. We both take the pills at the same time, which was around 9:40 and then he quickly falls asleep. We both of course had a trip sitter so I thought it was also safe to take a brief nap and told my trip sitter to nap as well. So I took a short nap and woke up around 1AM tripping balls. My trip sitter was dead asleep so I was pretty much alone this whole time.
My trip sitter was dead asleep so I was pretty much alone this whole time.
I couldn’t walk straight and my sides felt like they were pushing into my body. It was so bothersome that I had to walk around my room for a whole hour straight so I could ignore the fact that my body was feeling this way.

Constant laps around the room, extreme paranoia, and heavy breathing from the odd pangs on my waist. The walls start closing in and I’m in a claustrophobic panic. I collapse and lay on the floor next to my dog. I look at him for a bit and my sides start to feel weird again so I started punching and feeling up my sides out of instinct (I know, it was fucking weird) but it didn’t help at all so I just kind of laid on the floor in defeat.

I started staring at the wall and I have a lot of posters on my wall, so they suddenly start moving in waves. Like something was shaking them or they were coming alive and moving on their own. It was just scary and I no longer wanted to be on this trip. I then close my eyes for 2 minutes and then get up from the floor and lay in bed for a little bit. I’m rolling around like a madman trying to get in a comfortable spot but my sides were still aching as if someone were grabbing me and pushing in.

I’m at this point where I want to cry because of how shitty of a trip this was so I walk around my room again in a much faster pace. I had no fun whatsoever during this trip and my mouth was as dry as an old sponge which didn’t make the experience any better since it was late and I had no intention of leaving the room since I still live with my parents. So in my drug filled pain I lay back down and pass out from the exhaustion that dph gives me after a while.

I wake up the next morning hung over, hungry, and still have the aching sides. The aches aren’t as terrible as they were the night before but god was it annoying to wake up to.

In all, I just didn’t have as fun of a trip as I intended on because I had to deal with it alone and my body didn’t want to cooperate with the fact that I was doing this much Diphenhydramine. I think I'll just stick with what I'm used to from now on.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113306
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 10, 2019Views: 824
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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