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Perfect but Brief Dream Lucidity
Entada rheedii
Citation:   cataplex. "Perfect but Brief Dream Lucidity: An Experience with Entada rheedii (exp113321)". Jul 2, 2019.

1 seed oral Entada rheedii (tea)
I bought some seeds online to grow but put 2 aside to try. I have 2 vines now growing. First of all I am a Narcoleptic (cataplexy) and I dream every night multiple times and sometimes nod off in a chair or the train if I'm tired and also dream. My dreams are confusing and mostly not that interesting and rarely lucid.
My dreams are confusing and mostly not that interesting and rarely lucid.

Mindset-anxious as I'm not experienced as of late not since my 30's.

I opened the bean by crushing the shell with a pair of Multigrip pliers and then put the nut meat into a coffee grinder. I fried the pieces first because I read this immobilises the toxins in it (are their toxins? I have come to believe this was correct after ingesting). I mixed it into a tea which was so bitter, and 20 minutes later went to bed but couldnt sleep for ages.

First there was the body numbing that made me fear sleep paralysis or a cataplexic episode then my kidneys hurt so bad but I eventually fell asleep. First dream was perfect lucid world but relatively colourless and quite brief. I met a naked African woman in a forest clearing, very short forest person type who said she was also on disability like we had this amazing thing in common. It was more than a lucid dream while still being a dream. Very impressive. After this I had lucid glimpses whilst going back to sleep that were voyeristically pornographic.

The second bean a week later didn't work at all apart from the numbing and still hurt my kidneys. I would smoke it not make a disgusting nutty tea and my intuition tells me it might work better with a M.O.A. Inhibitor. Not that good for Narcoleptics, with the fear of cataplexy. Do I really need it? Maybe, on occasion.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 113321
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 58
Published: Jul 2, 2019Views: 2,685
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Entada rheedii (733), Dreams (85) : First Times (2), General (1), Alone (16)

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