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What Psychoactive Drugs Teach
Citation:   Bob McHone. "What Psychoactive Drugs Teach: An Experience with LSD (exp11334)". Dec 16, 2001.

First off, let me say that Ive done over 200 doses of LSD and around 50 doses of mushrooms in my college days. The biggest dose I've ever done was 9 triple dip hits of micro dots ( called 'triple-dip-hippie-shit'). I've never had a bad trip, in fact I dont believe there are bad trips just people in the wrong mindset who shouldnt be doing the drug, or any drugs for that matter.

Like the other reports I have read, I have never had a 'bad' flashback either. I know people who have done well over 1000 hits of Lsd and they have never had a flashback. I would note though that I have felt a mild euphoria at times almost reminiscent of a mild lsd dosage, but it was very pleasent and welcomed with open arms. I dont think it was the LSD, but in fact the new perception on reality that I have learned.

I know longer look at things the same again, I've learned to control my surroundings by using my imagination to see the subtle things that I would never have noticed. Music, paintings, geometrical shapes, they just all seem to make sense now, like they have been hiding something from me for all those years until I opened up my mind to them.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 11334
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 16, 2001Views: 11,175
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LSD (2) : Various (28), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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