Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
So Much for the Afterglow
Citation:   two oranges. "So Much for the Afterglow: An Experience with Cocaine (exp113369)". Mar 10, 2020.

4 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  4 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
Back in August of 2004, I was a happy-go-lucky, thin, athletic and mostly intelligent young man who had just been dumped by a girl and had moved into an apartment, for which I had already signed the lease, that I expected her to move into as well. It was a two bedroom. My mom felt bad about the circumstances and used part of the child support she was receiving for my younger brother to help me with rent and utilities. I had a large group of good friends who were there almost constantly, but when I was alone it was quite miserable.

Those times when my friends were there we would sometimes sit in a circle in "The Empty Room", the extra bedroom, and smoke pot. We would either pass around a joint or smoke from my hookah. After a couple months, my brother's best friend, who had been kicked out of his mom's house, moved in with me. He was 17 but he was a very gifted musician and well spoken for his age. He took the ACT once and made a 28 several months after he dropped out of school. It was nice having him there because I knew him well through my brother, we got along great, and he made a pretty decent roommate overall. I recall one time when I was trying to nap after work that when he came into the apartment with a couple other friends who were being loud, he asked them to be quiet and added, "How would you like it if you were trying to sleep and someone came in being loud?" I was surprised that he stuck up for me. I don't remember if I actually slept or not.

After a couple months of living together, our routines had become custom. I went to class and my job on campus as a student worker, and he was hired by my mother who also worked at the college. We would ride together to work, head to the liquor store and get some booze, and either head over to a mutual friend's place or back home to play video games and smoke. Looking back, aside from the depression of being dumped and the awkward relationship I had with my dad because of his infidelity with my mom, things were just fine.

Then came Thanksgiving break. Campus closed on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving at noon, so I was done for a few days early Wednesday. I got home and I saw my roommate's car and the car of another friend of ours, which usually meant he had brought someone with him. I got up to the door and turned the knob. It was locked. I expected someone to be close-by, like in the living room playing Xbox, and for them to open the door. Instead, I heard shuffling and rustling as if someone was trying to hide something. I went in, and heard, "Shhh!", and "It's D_____." I chucked my backpack on the black leather sofa and asked what was going on in my roommate's room. The three amigos seemed to be discussing something clandestine, then my roommate fired off a random question. "Hey, do you want to do some cocaine?" Without hesitation, I said yes.

I went to the fridge and got one of my Sam Adams Winter Brew beers and headed into my roommate's lair of depravity. There I saw my three friends sitting around his trunk upon which a CD case with a pile of coke and a couple chopped lines rested. I sat among them, not knowing what to expect or really even how to do it. If I recall correctly, this was the first time I snorted anything. I was handed a rolled up bill, leaned into it headstrong, and sucked it up like a man. My roommate told me it would come on quickly and not last very long. He was right about both, but I immediately felt better and more sociable than I ever remember being. The four of us laughed, talked, and listened to music for a couple hours. I was also drinking beer which kept the party going in between lines.

I did four lines total and drank four beers over about two hours. As this was the first time I had done any upper, I did not personally know of the repercussions. I should also say that I have had a heart condition my whole life. From a young age, I would have irregular beats where it seemed like my heart would beat quickly and then slow down or even skip a beat then make up for that by beating very hard a couple times before getting back to normal. I've seen a doctor for it and now that I'm older I've been on beta blockers which were designed to slow it down and keep it steady. It even kept me from playing football. However, that night I felt more pain in my chest than I ever had before. I remember taking about an hour long shower trying to ease the pain of coming down. I believe that the beer combined with the coke confused my circular system, and my heart didn't know whether to slow down or speed up. I thought to myself while in the shower, "This is the last time I ever do that. I don't want to die."

Less than two weeks later, I tried to get some ecstasy with a different friend. He and I were ripped off. I think he bought Anacin and were told they were "White Spades". Having that urge to get high take control of us, we called my roommate to see if he wanted to get some coke. We bought two eightballs and listened to Santana most of the night. It was a much more pleasant experience, although I was gumming uncontrollably around my younger brother who disapproved of using hard drugs. Maybe I told him or maybe he knew and didn't care. Either way, that night was fine, likely because I didn't drink.

All in all, I did blow about a dozen times and haven't done any since February 2008. I can't say I miss it.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 113369
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Mar 10, 2020Views: 941
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Cocaine (13) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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