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Terrifying Visions
LSD & Nitrous Oxide
by lvls
Citation:   lvls. "Terrifying Visions: An Experience with LSD & Nitrous Oxide (exp113474)". Feb 9, 2022.

2 hits oral LSD (liquid)
    repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
I have done plenty of acid, and plenty of whippits in my lifetime, and quite a few times done both concurrently. However the experience I had a few nights ago was nothing like I have ever experienced, and left quite the impression on me.

I had dropped 2 doses of LSD on sugar cubes while waiting for my friend to come meet up with me. While waiting, I walked to my local sex shop to pick up a box of 50 whippits to share. Once my friend arrived, the acid had kicked in quick and hard, and she also dropped two tabs. We both did two double whippits before going to our next destination, a small warehouse rave. Those were fine, fun kaleidoscope visuals.

Once I began peaking, however, that changed. We were sitting outside of the rave, doing plenty of whippits and having as much of a conversation as two people tripping really hard could. However, the more whippits I did the more I lost touch with reality. I have a hard time explaining what I experienced, but I wanted to share it so I'm going to try. Often I ended up somewhere dark, with a woman next to me. I'm not too sure what she said or what happened, but it definitely scared me. I also had a hallucination that I was in the midst of a large crowd, and a man next to me told me "look at all those people, you'll never find your friend. Wouldn't you rather go with me?" to which I said yes out loud.

The next hallucinations were even weirder. In one, everything got dark and I look over to my friend. She's covered in black tar, and my balloon becomes a tar like substance covered in flaking pink paint, my chair also covered in tar which I'm sinking into. She says "the world is fucking dying", and I feel like it's being taped. I truly believed in that moment it was actually happening and it was truly disturbing.
I feel like it's being taped. I truly believed in that moment it was actually happening and it was truly disturbing.

Another hallucination involved gnomes pushing me around, throwing dirt in my face and restraining me while holding a match under my face.

The most common one was somehow being the unwilling test subject to some strange, scifi projects. Like I'd lean into an invisible barrier and into a strange world, and it turns out to be some wild thing someone is testing. Or I'd feel an invisible force vibrating around me until I moved into a certain position. Typing this out I realize how hard it is to explain what I saw. But at the time I thought it was 100% real and I was very confused and scared when it happened.

I spent the rest of my trip afraid I would slip into another fake world, without inhaling any gas. I was afraid people would appear out of thin air with cameras. This paranoia did not cease until I got some sleep, which was only after an 8.5 hour shift at work.

From here on out I will be very hesitant to mix those two again. Being transported into a 100% real-feel hallucination like that, where everything is confusing and terrifying, was honestly not fun and made me feel kind of insane. Especially considering my friend didn't report anything nearly as wild while doing the same thing, though I feel she wasn't holding it in quite as long. I read through the other experiences with this combination and didn't read anything like this so I figured I'd try to share.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113474
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Feb 9, 2022Views: 421
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Nitrous Oxide (40), LSD (2) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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