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This Ongoing Treatment for Schizoeffective Disorder/CPTSD
Citation:   Artulfur. "This Ongoing Treatment for Schizoeffective Disorder/CPTSD: An Experience with Quetiapine (exp113500)". Sep 4, 2019.

150 mg oral Pharms - Quetiapine (daily)
Quetiapine for Schizoeffective Disorder/CPTSD

Having been prescribed this medication from Sept 2018 to present (early August 2019) on prolonged release and using other drugs recreationally over the period, I can say with absolute certainty that it does aid sleep, it does aid anxiety, and the side effects at least for me have been somewhat minimal.

For the first two or three days I experienced mild euphoria, a dopaminesque insobriety, and a following lack of care for my situationally dire outlook due to romantic and living space breakdowns.

Adversely, I experienced minor sleep paralysis and vivid disturbing paranormal nightmares.
Adversely, I experienced minor sleep paralysis and vivid disturbing paranormal nightmares.
The sleep paralysis involved the stereotypical demon, horned head and built physique, standing as a shadow at the end of my bed, psychokinetically pinning me in my paralytic state. I was fully aware that I was experiencing sleep paralysis, so I attempted to use force of willpower to transform this into a lucid dreaming state. However, my attempt was quashed apparently by said demon as my will felt like it swam out towards it and was reflected by its psychokinetic strength.

The nightmare that remains in my memory from the time was of seeing myself in the bathroom mirror with eyes white and bleeding, hearing the lyrics "it seems to suit you better, bleeding out the eyes in tragedy" from the track "like light to the flies" - Trivium.

After this period I settled down quickly. I became very strong against my anxious thoughts of social identity. I even gave a university student verbal hell for telling me that dancing with his friends was weird.

I have also been sleeping 10-12 hours a day
I have also been sleeping 10-12 hours a day
since beginning my treatment, which has been both respiteful and somewhat depressing due to loss of waking active hours.

During this ongoing treatment, I have also used recreational drugs to no apparent problems. Cocaine seems to be less problematic than without quetiapine. I experience ease in talking with people, and zero hangover effects or regretful experiences as I might otherwise experience. Cannabis seems to work as normal, with even less compulsion to redose and less sedative effects in the hours after it has worn off. MDMA seems almost normal, except I have less of a psychedelic experience with astral travel as I might otherwise have. It acts much more as an intoxicant with empathic and stimulant feeling.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113500
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 4, 2019Views: 843
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Pharms - Quetiapine (273), Dreams (85) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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