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A Sense of Relaxation
Leonotis leonurus
Citation:   trurl. "A Sense of Relaxation: An Experience with Leonotis leonurus (exp113581)". Sep 25, 2019.

  oral Leonotis leonurus (tea)
I recently found a large flowering Leonotis leonurus plant. I was excited to be able to try this herb fresh. I started with a small mason jar (~125ml) filled with approx 1/4 cup fresh flowers. I brewed this into a tea with boiling water. I re-steeped the flowers probably 3-4 times and drank the liquid each time. It tasted horrible. It had a strong bitterness and mild astringent feeling in the mouth. It was more palatable with Stevia and a tea bag, but still pretty bad.

Within about 20 minutes the effects were noticeable. They were very mild but also undeniably beyond a placebo. The largest effect was a sense of relaxation.
The largest effect was a sense of relaxation.
I noticed that my movements were impaired. I misjudged distances and was generally clumsier.

The other most noticeable effects were visual. My vision was more colorful and somehow seemed “enhanced.” The visual changes reminded me of the very start of a psychedelic experience, or the visual changes I have experienced when microdosing mushrooms and 4-aco-dmt. It shared the same impressions of “hyper-real” images. Things looked unusually smooth and perfect.

I took a long, hot bath while listening to music. It was extremely relaxing. I did nothing but lay in the water and listen to music. Before I knew it, 2 hours had passed. I went to bed and slept very well.

Since this experience, I have tried wild dagga a few more times. I have had fairly similar experiences. I would say the duration is up to 2 hours, but it peaks very early and then gradually declines. I have also tried smoking wild dagga as a joint, but it was difficult. I think the plant material I have is too wet. It would be easier to smoke out of a bong, but I don’t have one.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113581
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Sep 25, 2019Views: 1,544
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Leonotis leonurus (119) : Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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