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Forever Changed in the Darkness of Space
Salvia divinorum (5X Extract)
Citation:   Dr. Frank. "Forever Changed in the Darkness of Space: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (5X Extract) (exp11363)". Jul 11, 2019.

1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
Hearing about this new substance from my older brother I became very interested. Salvia sounded like the key I needed to open the door to my inner self. Which may sound cliche and it is, but I was looking for an enlightenment. The experience I received was beautiful and changed my outlook on life for the better. I have never used any other hallucinigens before this, but felt I was well prepared. Upon receiving the bong fully packed I knew I was about to take a journey unlike anything else. I sat down on my bed and turned all the lights off. I meditated for about an hour to clear my mind of any lingering worries and finally without opening my eyes raised the bong to my lips.

My first toke revealed that the smoke was harsh and tasted absolutely horrible, but I held it in. I felt....nothing. Hmm. A second hit was inhaled and I began to feel a pleasant tingling sensation. The third hit sent me threw the floor. I felt as if I was falling with great velocity. I then lost my sight and was sent hurtling through space. Stars rushed over me covering me in their light. I felt overwhelmed as I didn't understand how I could be traveling that fast. Then I came to a stop. Stars exploded in front of my eyes and I was in the center of the universe. It was absolutely breathtaking. I took in all I could. Its infinite beauty made me feel small, but important none the less. Then I began to see my room again. I couldn't move. I lay there attempting to comprehend all I experienced. A voice told me everything was alright and that the pain had gone away. I arose and turned on the light. I looked in the mirror and smiled.

Forever changed I hold this amazing herb in my highest regard. It gave me hope and showed me beauty.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11363
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 11, 2019Views: 695
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Unknown Context (20), Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), First Times (2)

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