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The Journey That Taught Me to Love
Citation:   Sunso. "The Journey That Taught Me to Love: An Experience with DMT (exp113630)". Dec 13, 2019.

3 hits smoked DMT
I will start this trip report with some background information about myself. I'm 26 year old multi racial male with a history of experiences substances. I have tried weed, cocaine, meth, mdma, heroin, many different opiates, many different benzodiazepines, 2cb, 2ce, 25-I, LSD-25, DMT, DXM, diphenhydramine, fentanyl, and others that I can't seem to manifest within my memory at the moment. So as you can see I am quite experienced with almost everything besides the many research compounds I stay away from for the fact they are not researched enough for comfortable ingestion.

But this particular day was the day I learned to love unconditionally. It was a beautiful summer afternoon after I had taken up and brought some clarity to my conscious I thought it would be a good idea to ritualistically smoke some DMT in search of what my higher self has been longing to tell me. So I set up an alter in the room me and my wife set aside for our magic doings
I set up an alter in the room me and my wife set aside for our magic doings
(we are practicing witches). Once I set the room up with all the materials was when I was ready.

The beginning of this ritual was at the time of about 1pm in the afternoon. As I sit in my sacred space I prepared approximately 200mg of crystal DMT to the pipe used for smoking DMT. Once I took a couple breaths and grounded myself, I pulled the blinds shut as well as the curtains and then light a white candle to represent purification and also the ridding of negative energy and welcoming of positive on all levels physical and spiritual.

1:30pm I sit looking at the candles flame and prepare for a journey I could of never prepared for.

1:45 I bring the prepared pipe with the DMT and I take the first hit making sure to keep a nice even hit and as much as I can fill my lungs. The taste is earthy and as the thought of the way it taste came the thought of "here it starts" flooded my psyche, I held this hit for 20 seconds and let it out in smooth exhale. During this exhale my physical body felt as if its molecular structure was shifting into a formless being. At the same time my visual field is being slammed with every perception of what each thing in the room is perceiving. I seen from all angles, from all heights, from all mindsets at this moment just after the first hit I became one with all that is and it one with me.

Now about seconds after first hit comes the second one this hit shakes my visual field into a land of fractals and geometric shapes unfathomablely complex in their structure yet so simple. This hit brought my physical body into less of existence to my consciousness. At this point consciously my surroundings are transforming into a world I've never explored before emotionally. I am in joy of a new dimension of consciousness that I have just witnessed. Mentally I have one last thing anchoring me in the physical and that is the third hit.

After I realize I have one more hit to take, seconds after the second, I hit it for the last time as good as I can hit it this is the hit that brought me from my physical awareness hanging by a thread to my physical existence not existing. After the third hit my eyes forced closed with the ability to see with my third eye so I could still see everything in the entire room
After the third hit my eyes forced closed with the ability to see with my third eye so I could still see everything in the entire room
as well as me sitting on pillows in the sacred space I had prepared. As my astral being slowly exits its physical form it launches into a dimension I've not yet seen. The colors most prominate here were greens and pinks with highlights of blue and indigo. Once my consciousness arrived here is when out of the geometrical fractal configuration manifested 4 portals that out came 4 formless feminine beings and then a 5th center to them but in front. My astral being was kneeling to them and I asked what is it I need to do to better my life. As I finished my question the front 5th being descended down to me and stuck a key in my chest turned it 3 times and my heart unleashed all the love it wasn't giving that needed to be given in order to sustain in an earthly manner. As this energy was pouring from my heart chakra I felt myself feel more complete and more at one with all then ever before. These beings waved back and forth in a sort of dance and enjoyed this experience with me until I slowly was coming back to earth.

Once I was back to earthly consciousness it had only been about 20 minutes with what felt like hours. That was my most notable experience with DMT.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 113630
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Dec 13, 2019Views: 811
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DMT (18) : Alone (16), Personal Preparation (45), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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