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Alien Cathedral
Citation:   Jibonacci. "Alien Cathedral: An Experience with DMT (exp113689)". Dec 9, 2019.

2 hits smoked DMT
  2 hits smoked Cannabis - High CBD
My first real dose was last night. I hadn't ever dove as deep as what happened then, and I feel my life may be changed forever. My friend asks "so... Do you wanna smoke a bowl of deems?" Of course, I said yes... I feel that my life and research has came to a point that connected, and for the first time I wasnt fearful of the molecule (I have smoked some years before, but I never got visuals and I got a profound feeling and thought of "not yet" after dose).

We go out in the backyard and sit on a concrete bench overlooking their house with the mountains in the background. I took a small pull of the bowl that had CBD buds on top and bottom, with a healthy dose of D in the middle; as I hit it all the fear of the moment washed away as if I had a light hug and was told "its gonna be okay, this is the next step". As soon as the next hit entered my lungs my body knew to keep the cherry and keep pulling. I couldn't even feel the smoke in my lungs once they were filled.

The fear was quickly replaced with a feeling I could only compare to profound respect
The fear was quickly replaced with a feeling I could only compare to profound respect
, as if it and me were saying "this isn't recreation, this isn't to be taken lightly". All of the sudden, I heard this tone I can only compare to a deep throat hum, and my vision turned to fractals and the night was doing almost mini swirls. There was a single light in the mountain, and it formed the image of a singular eye. When I closed my eyes, I was in a world of dark, with what I would compare to northern lights, only they were fractal blues and greens. Then I could really feel a presence of something... As if it was putting its hands out and showing me something. This presence wasn't good nor bad; it felt like it was a collection of all. Not fear or happiness but knowledge, not mortal feelings but definites. Then I saw what looked like aztec murals getting recreated over and over in front of my eyes, and my brain kept saying aztecs. It wasnt said, but I could hear the presence talking of a hotel, like this was just a stay, and I would soon be gone. I don't know if it meant that moment or life. Also it's like it wanted to exchange... As if it wanted me to show it what it had going on, and like it has waited for me to be there and show it what I had become through my life and experiences... Still don't understand this.

A dog barked and it echoed through my mind like a chamber. I opened my eyes to the world shifting and spinning. Every time I blinked for more than a second, I got a huge visual of a 4d evercreating building of some kind. I kept my eyes open for the most part after that and was talking with them about what happened. I feel if I took even the smallest hit after the last that I would have been blasted from this earthly plane into that alien cathedral.

Now I feel as if all my earthly problems are less significant in a sense that everything happens for a reason. Yes I have power to make things change, but things out of my control are there to guide me to somewhere I wouldn't have gone on my own accord, and bring me to a place I may have never seen.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113689
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Dec 9, 2019Views: 789
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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