Endless Geometry and Fractals
MDMA & Cannabis
Citation:   Bigfeatherblue. "Endless Geometry and Fractals: An Experience with MDMA & Cannabis (exp113735)". Erowid.org. Dec 10, 2019. erowid.org/exp/113735

90 - 110 mg oral MDMA
    repeated smoked Cannabis - High THC
This is the time I dosed mdma alone and smoked cannabis. I'm a 197cm tall and 86kg, last night I decided to dose some mdma. I recently bought a 150mg capsule of "swiss champagne" mdma crystal. I did not test the purity of the drug, however with what I felt during the experience I can say it was a much more pure dose of mdma than I've done before.

I split that capsule and took +- 100mg of the 150mg dose at about 9:30 pm. After dosing I waited around in my room and slowly felt a come up. About an hour into the experience I decided to call a friend and we went to mcdonalds to get a mcflurry for some other mates we were going to meet up with. During this time I felt anxious and fuzzy as I felt a come up buzz. Finally we arrive at my friend house, we hope outside and decided to smoke a joint of some really high grade weed.

At first the cannabis didn't seem to have much of an affect until I sat down and began to just stare at random objects around his garden. I had an extreme focus and intense interest in the trees and the gravel etc, that's when I hit my peak on the mdma. Bodily sensations were out of this world, I began walking around the garden barefoot and the act of walking felt like bliss. I talked to my friends a lot about my life and how I was happy and privileged to have gotten where I am now and I learnt to appreciate how I got there as well. They weren't rolling but they played a big role in asking me the right kind of questions as I wanted this experience to help me value my life and where I stand, it was extremely spiritual and pure bliss.
I wanted this experience to help me value my life and where I stand, it was extremely spiritual and pure bliss.

12AM comes around, I decided to go home because my friends are tired. I get home and go straight to my room, I start feeling the comedown effects and decide to smoke some more weed. I smoked a bowl out my bong and felt very high, I switched off my bedroom light and lay in bed listening to music. This is when it got crazy. Before this I've done mdma twice and never experienced this, I've done psilocybin mushroom more than I can count and I've taken LSD once, nothing prepared me for what I went through. At first I sank into my bed and the complete darkness of my room engulfed me, I closed my eyes and focused on the music. That's when the faintest visual fractals started to manifest, but not as in a clear visual, it was more on a sound wave kind of feel if that makes sense. These was endless geometry and fractals that were beginning to fold in on themselves. As I focused on them more they became clearer and more intense, I felt like all of my life's struggles and victories and experiences were folding into one and presenting themselves to me. The music got more intense and so did the visuals, I saw a jester like entity with the mechanical feel to it, around him were endless visuals of these fractal snakes that wanted to try and kill me. I gave in to the being and felt like I had been elevated to another plane of existence and the bodily sensations were incredible.

I dont know if I experienced an ego death or not, it felt very real and spiritual but then again I've never heard of someone experiencing ego death while rolling. As I was elevated to the new plane of existence the jester tried to kill me again but I felt too overwhelmed by the experience and managed to get up and put the light on again. I wish now that I had given in to the experience and seen where it could take me.

For the rest of the night I lay In bed watching YouTube and Netflix but was completely distracted from what happened. I couldn't stop thinking about my experience and am still very confused the next morning. I woke up this morning feeling okay, I dont have the monday blues just yet, but I do feel a deep sense accomplishment and self actualization and realization that I love myself, my family, my girlfriend and friends and that the choices I've made in my life are all right for me and they've brought me to where I am now. I'm deeply privileged and thankful for my experience and what I got out of it.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113735
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Dec 10, 2019Views: 1,415
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MDMA (3) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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