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Pressured by One of My Friends to Take It
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   mr fegelien. "Pressured by One of My Friends to Take It: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp113747)". Nov 21, 2019.

2 tablets oral MDMA
Pleasant Experience

I’m 21, live in Ireland and had this experience earlier in March of this year. I took two ecstasy tablets in a repeat secondary school. Now, some of you will wonder “Why the hell would you take it in public!” Well I was naïve and pressured by one of my friends to take it. They offered me one free and another one for €5 if I took it in school and they saw the effects.

At around 10.30AM I went to the bathroom and took the tablet but was a bit hesitant at first. I went out to the common hall with about 7 people from my class at break. They were all looking at me and asking me if I took it. Nothing much happened until 11:10 when I started to feel the come-up. It was a bit overwhelming and I started feeling anxious so I went to the bathroom to just take my mind off things (lol).

This is when I started to feel the empathogenic effects. It wasn’t euphoric as I read online
I started to feel the empathogenic effects. It wasn’t euphoric as I read online
but it was me regretting taking this. I was feeling really anxious now and my vision was getting fucked like when I take too much Sudafed (pseudoephedrine). I started feeling really bad that I took this in school and that I would upset my parents. I felt that my parents were the only ones who loved me and that my friends were just bullies pressuring me to take drugs and my parents were the ones who cared about me. I usually get into fights with my parents and NEVER feel any empathy so this was interesting. I also had an unusual thought it my mind of hugging my mother.

I stayed in there for about 20 minutes until some lads came out to check on me. I left the bathroom and the euphoric effects started coming. I no longer regretted taking it and wished I had taken I went back to the hall and during Geography class; one of the teachers was letting us finish our projects in the hall. While doing my project, I felt an intense sense of motivation and an almost orgasmic feeling near my adrenal glands/stomach.

Now despite me feeling euphoric, I didn’t get “fucked up” and my classmates doubted I took ecstasy so we went out and they threw a tablet on the floor (this was the free one) and I swallowed it. It wouldn’t add much to my experience except the physical signs I was high.

Something weird also happened. I experience “déjà vu”. I started clenching my jaw involuntarily while doing my work and one of the guys saw it. He screamed “he’s definitely on it”. And in that moment, I had a brain fart and felt like I had experienced him saying that in a dream. It was really weird. I later experienced this when my teacher pulled me from the classroom and asked if I was okay because I looked “very stiff”. Amazingly, she didn’t realize I was on ecstasy however she did feel that something was off about me. Again, it felt like it had happened again.

All in all, this was an interesting experience and I’d definitely do it again. I usually take codeine, alcohol, and Xanax so this was a different albeit exciting drug.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113747
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Nov 21, 2019Views: 688
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MDMA (3) : First Times (2), School (35)

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