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The Send Off
LSD, MDMA & Sceletium tortuosum
by PL&S
Citation:   PL&S. "The Send Off: An Experience with LSD, MDMA & Sceletium tortuosum (exp113749)". Nov 20, 2019.

T+ 0:00
  oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 2:12   oral MDMA  
  T+ 3:15   oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 3:47   oral MDMA  
  T+ 0:00     Sceletium tortuosum  
This trip report documents the experiences of Paul and Shan -

The weekend planning started a week prior, when we were sitting together doing our university assignments. We had been talking about an epic final send off to psychedelics, to which we had tried but never felt completely satisfied with our previous trips to actually signify the last hoorah. Paul was sitting at his desk and a thought popped into my mind of treating him to a weekend away at a beach cottage I had been to for my birthday. It was the perfect setting- a completely private cottage with Eastern Cape coastal forest surrounding the house, with an idyllic 120 degree view of the ocean. It was time for the weekend festivities to begin.

We had had a long day, so only arrived at the beach in the early evening; we quickly unpacked, set up our music station and decorated our space with some funky tapestries before embarking on the trip. Having never documented our trips before, I decided that this night it was in order – so the following is a timestamped log of the events and experiences of our candy flip trip.

6:10pm – we unwrapped our stamps, cheers-ed to another adventure and readied ourselves for a patterned-filled journey.

6:35pm – still buzzing around the cottage getting things ready before our come-up overwhelmed our sober selves, Paul made a fire while I sat sorting out our “Geometric playlist”. This playlist has become a part of every trip we’ve had, and whenever we needed a break from the hustle and bustle of academic life, searching for new music was a great escape. Being 25 minutes in, the come-up was demanding to be felt – the body load was definitely noticeable, and an electric shiver was pulsing through our bodies.

7:05pm – being inside the cottage became a bit too cramped for the nervous energy we were feeling while coming up, so heading outside seemed like the most comfortable space to be in. It was so refreshing getting some crisp sea air in the lungs, watching the last bits of Friday light disappear into the great expanse that was the night sky and watching the flickering fire. The time crept by and as we sat and spoke outside, I realised once again that this crazy human is the only person I would be dabbling in the psychedelic world with.

7:35pm – feeling a lot more settled we moved back inside to enjoy the onset of the wonderful geometric patterns acid was about to treat us with. Some water was definitely needed, and after opening the fridge it looked like patterns were exploding out from the fluorescent beam the fridge light produced. A mood was most certainly set with low lighting and candles lit in our warm little space.

8:02pm – starting to settle into the music, a realization came over us – once again- that LSD is made so much more enjoyable and the patterns are a lot more dynamic and playful with good music. Our music taste for our playlist is swayed towards indie and blues inspired bands and some old classics that have the most tantalizing instrumentals. A song that was playing at the time of this entry had such a beautiful lyric – being “lost in the light”, which felt like it was speaking to our situation – being lost in the light of the gleaming fractals.

8:22pm – it was time to share our first MD – the body load from the acid come-up had most definitely settled and we were ready to ramp up our experience of the evening. Sitting at the dining room table we giggled at the fact that Paul is always the grounded one that divides and hands out the drugs and I am the one who is the time keeper.
we giggled at the fact that Paul is always the grounded one that divides and hands out the drugs and I am the one who is the time keeper.
Still enthralled in the music, I commented on a song being one of my favourites and Paul so aptly said that the song as a whole was an experience.

8:50pm – the MD is coming on properly… we were experiencing such a warm, comforting body feeling and there is a considerable difference in the vibrance and playfulness of the geometrics. We decided to turn the main lights off in our chill space, having only the light from some deliciously scented candles and the blue glow from our sound system illuminating the room. The scene being set with the low light and the tapestries around the room made for the perfect space for us to enjoy the music, each other and the dancing fractals.

9:15pm – one of the best things about having a trip partner that I care so deeply about, is that during our psychedelic experiences we share some very special and meaningful moments. We were enjoying just standing for a bit and Paul pulled me in for a hug, we stood in this warm embrace for a long time and enjoyed the closed eye geometric experience with some of our favourite tracks playing - I could have honestly continued to hold him for an eternity, because that moment was truly perfect.

9:25pm – we decided to share or final acid stamp to fully commit to the night; in the flickering glow of the candles we placed stamp under our tongue and went outside to enjoy a bit of fresh air and the crashing sound of the waves.

9:57pm – we were having some playful conversation while sitting on the daybed couch and I giggled when pointing out that we were about to go all out, balls to the walls with patterns – after deciding to share our last MD. We were ready!

10:03pm – the other 70 (Microdots of acid) were hitting us hard at this point! The music had a momentary pause – we looked at each other – and our favourite EP of all time started to play as we peaked properly on everything. The only logical decision was to lie down, side by side, on the cool tiled floor; and let the patterns overwhelm us. Lying there with these epic songs treated us to some of the most beautiful geometric patterns, we were having the such an intimate individual experience while being there together. There was a mutual realization that this experience was only possible, because we did it together in such a pure, comfortable and loving environment.

10:38pm – we had moved back to lying down and sitting on the daybed where we enjoyed some of the older blues songs that resonated more with me, there is something so pure about the instrumentals and vocals of this music. I’ve grown up living with musicians and being around really good music; it is part of my fibre and to share this side of myself with someone really means a lot. It was such a special part of our trip as it gave me time to reflect on some more personal memories and moments of my childhood; I realized that if it wasn’t for certain people in my life, I would not be able to love music as much as I do and be able to share this side of myself with someone I hold so dearly.

11:22pm – it was such a still spring night so being outside provided the perfect setting to have good conversations and spend some more wonderful quality time with Paul. The moon and magnificent clouds of the night were breath taking and it was so special to watch how the patterns morphed the clouds into these fluid wonders in the sky. Standing together watching the sets roll in with the waves calmly rolling over themselves, there was a lone ship sailing away in the misty distance; and in that moment it signified the perfect send off. The time spent outside felt like ages, where we discussed a world of topics in only 40 minutes.

12:20am – we decided we needed more darkness in the cottage, so closing the curtains and turning the outside light off was just what we needed.

12:41am – lying down together we settled into our den and we blissfully let the hours drift by.

4:58am – the sun was just starting rise which was a brilliant time to huddle up, with blankets and tea, outside and let the fading fractals go as the new day dawned. What a treat it was to see a huge pod of dolphins pass as we sat having some quiet time together.

6:10am – going into this experience our goal was to have another 12-hour trip
going into this experience our goal was to have another 12-hour trip
, which we had had the first time we tried acid together. At exactly 6:10 am our lengthy playlist came to end; I had an urge to check the time and was astonished to see that it was precisely 12 hours - to the minute that we had started candy-flip trip. It felt like the universe had given us a strange sign that fulfilled our goal of having the most magical final 12 hours dabbling with psychedelics.

The rest of the weekend away was nothing short of incredible- so writing down a brief snippet of it, making up this trip report, only seemed apt.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113749
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Nov 20, 2019Views: 673
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MDMA (3), LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Relationships (44), Personal Preparation (45), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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