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Really Hard
Citation:   Loverboy. "Really Hard: An Experience with Yohimbe (exp11375)". Feb 28, 2002.

3 tsp oral Yohimbe (ground / crushed)
I recently tried making a yohimbe tea with some ground bark I bought at a local food and herb store. I was with a 'friend' who helped me drink a little bit of the tea. The stuff tasted really bad. It took about 30 minutes to kick in.

I felt like I had just drank four shots of espresso or taken a few ephedrine pills. I was very hyperactive and bouncing around the room. I also felt a little light headed. Then, the 'viagra' effects of the yohimbe took effect. I had a very, very hard erection that my friend commented on several times. I do not know if it was from the yohimbe, but I got really into the sex.

Touching was more erotic than usual. After a while, the pressure behind my imminent orgasm was very intense. The orgasm was strong, but not as strong as I was thinking it would be. After the sex, I started feeling lightheaded and kind of sick to my stomach. The effects after this point were all negative. I felt like I had a coffee or ephedrine overdose, which was very unpleasant. I had to lay down for a while.

Later in the evening, when I was wanted to go to sleep, I couldn't and just layed in my bed still feeling a little gross. I would try yohimbe again at a lower dosage, but I wonder if I would still get the same 'viagra' and sex enhancing effects.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11375
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 28, 2002Views: 14,764
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