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Similar But Not The Same
Citation:   OldCanuckHippie. "Similar But Not The Same: An Experience with Dimethocaine (exp113756)". Mar 25, 2020.

T+ 0:00
100 mg IV Dimethocaine
  T+ 1:00 100 mg IV Dimethocaine
  T+ 3:30 120 mg IV Dimethocaine
  T+ 0:00     Dimenhydrinate
One of my favourite Canadian RC vendors has this product for sale at a reasonable price.

Setting: Friday afternoon of a day off. Mindset relaxed.

Dosed 100 mg IV at 1200 hrs.
Dosed 100 mg IV at 1300 hrs.
Dosed 120 mg IV at 1530 hrs.

Prescription blood pressure med and GERD PPI med were taken earlier. OTC T1 [acetaminophen, codeine, and caffeine] were taken earlier.
A 10mg THC/2mg CBD gummie was consumed early in the morning as well a few hits off a THC vape pen.
Gravol was taken to combat the nausea that is common in IVing cocaine.

20 seconds: The first noticble effect was at the roots of the teeth.
45 seconds: The rush started. Kind of a crazy rush that lasted several minutes. No major bell ringing like 100 mg of cocaine but a definite ringing in the ears. Euphoria is ok; not the intensity of cocaine.
Heart rate did not increase significantly though I’m sure the blood pressure went up

1 hour: the euphoria and high is wearing off.

All in all very interesting. Can see how this could lead to compulsive redosing.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113756
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 64
Published: Mar 25, 2020Views: 2,961
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Dimethocaine (552) : Combinations (3), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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