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Reverse Nexus Flip - a 1500 Mile Connection
by 2CMA
Citation:   2CMA. "Reverse Nexus Flip - a 1500 Mile Connection: An Experience with 2C-B & MDMA (exp113798)". Feb 10, 2022.

T+ 0:00
¼ tablets oral 2C-B  
  T+ 1:25 ⅙ tablets insufflated 2C-B (ground / crushed)
  T+ 1:35 ¼ tablets oral 2C-B  
  T+ 2:00 ¼ tablets insufflated 2C-B (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:00 ½ tablets oral 2C-B  
  T+ 0:00 25 - 35 mg insufflated MDMA  

Dedicated to extending the boundaries of my mind through experimentation with different psychoactive substances, I found myself infatuated with the idea of trying 2C-B. My interest stemmed from the fact that 2C-B is a rather mild psychedelic, producing minimal ego loss and so a decent platform from which to venture further into this drug class. In addition, its strong entactogenic effects and synergy with MDMA made it an eye watering prospect for connecting with people on both a mental and a physical level. As luck would have it however, at the time of this experience I found myself at university in a foreign country, far away from the people I would consider closest to me – specifically my brother Bo and girlfriend Abi, the two people I most wanted to share an experience like this with.

Due to the difficulty of procuring 2C-B in our home country (where Abi and Bo were) and not feeling lucky enough to attempt smuggling, I decided to embark on this adventure with my friend Dieter, a fellow student, after we finally succeeded in getting our hands on some lovely Bees. The day before the trip I acquired 6 pink pills labeled 2C-B from our local well supplied vendor. These were supposed to be for a six person spiritual experience, where each of us would take one. However, I asked the vendor about the amount of active ingredient per pill, and he informed me that each one contained 150 mg. Having researched the substance and its effects and dosing previously, I immediately knew that his answer was highly unlikely to be true.
he informed me that each one contained 150 mg. Having researched the substance and its effects and dosing previously, I immediately knew that his answer was highly unlikely to be true.
Not wanting to risk anything, and without any indication of the pills’ actual content, Dieter and I decided to test them before the actual six person trip. Thus, the experience I am to describe in this report came to be.

It was Friday and Dieter and I had just finished a university class together. Time was 1945 and we popped a quarter pill each immediately upon leaving the class. We had a 20 minute commute in front of us (on foot), from the city centre to Dieter’s place of residency, an apartment he shares with our friend Sandra. At this point I started recording voice notes and sending them to Abi, as a way of including her in this experience I so badly wanted to share with her. She was with Bo that evening so they both became a part of this with me. The weather was miserable, as it so often tends to be in the UK, light rain trickling down on Dieter and myself, and a cold mist filling the wet heavy air. This wouldn’t have been ideal conditions for a come-up – thankfully one did not come at this time. The walk back was rather uneventful, and was spent in the two of us discussing the possible effects at different doses. Once at Dieter’s apartment we were greeted by Sandra, who very happily abandoned her study to come observe the effects (she was one of the six people who were to participate in the experience originally). Dieter put on Blue Planet II and we sat down to comfortably melt into the couches as David Attenborough’s soothing voice begun to tell us stories of some glaciers being shown. It was about 2035. I noticed the colours on the screen looked intensified, the deep ocean blues seemingly escaping the screen’s captivity and spilling into the air, just a bit. I looked away to see if anything else looked out of the ordinary, however, nothing did. The living room was quite dull and poorly lit, and it was still early days, so this came as no surprise. I also found myself very easily amused (even more so than I usually am), and Dieter noticed the same in himself. My hands and feet felt somewhat odd as well. Respectively, these last two observations could’ve easily been attributed to excitement for the upcoming trip and the cold from which we had entered a rather well heated apartment. I reported my observations to Abi, who was annoyed at my brother’s choice of music.

At approximately 2100, neither Dieter nor myself experienced any further changes to perception. While fully aware that a full come-up could take up to 2 hours, I had taken my dose on an empty stomach and weighing around 55 kg, deduced that the vendor had indeed cited a grossly inaccurate value. These pills were nowhere near 150 mg, and seemed unlikely to have even 25 mg each. Having felt no significant effects, we decided to do more. We cleared out our nasal passages with some water and all proceeded to Dieter’s room. There, he turned on his lights – a gradually changing spectacle of the visible spectrum, with each colour perfectly melting into the next. We put his mattress on the floor to serve as a sort of sofa and got down to business.

A third of a pill was pulverised and cut up with a razor. Dieter and I split this amount, as Sandra looked on, and sat down on the mattress. A painting with a funky pattern on it was hanging on Dieter’s wall. I noticed that it started to “breathe” somewhat, however that was it, this amount was still not close to enough. While the amount may not have been enough to produce any meaningful effects yet, the nasal irritation it had well covered. This was the worst thing I have ever had up my nose. It made my throat start closing up, and required copious amounts of water to keep washing down the drip (I tried to insufflate as lightly as possible however the powder still found its way to the back of my throat rather quickly). The burn was borderline intolerable and persisted for about 10 minutes. This was not the optimal method of administering 2C-B (in what was probably its hydrochloride salt form).

Unimpressed, I swallowed another quarter. Abi and I exchanged words of affection as I reassured her that I was safe and still not feeling much. We exchanged a few naughty images (taken from my friends’ bathroom), thinking it might trigger the 2C-B to start working quicker; and also because hot.

Dieter was feeling utterly let down and so we agreed to have more. We insufflated a further quarter pill each. The decision to snort again was made with the intention of avoiding a long come-up, as he had places to be in the morning. It was around 2130-2200 at this point. The nasal burn was aggressive once again.

This last endeavor did the trick however. Within a couple of minutes unmistakable effects started to kick in. My hands and arms started to feel “weird” and “insane” respectively, as I so eloquently put it in a voice recording. This was the MDMA come-up kind of feeling in the extremities. Touching each individual erect hair on my arms seemed to send orgasmic shivers up into my content brain. “We’re off”. More sexy photos were exchanged with Abi. The two of us kept communicating, and I told her that my legs and arms felt as if somebody was caressing them, and that I was quite vectorially aroused, towards her and only her. I missed her beyond comprehension. My brother was preoccupied with his ex (who was also with them), so I did not feel guilty distracting Abi (and she most certainly didn’t mind the distraction either).

“Okay, okay, the floor is starting to breathe.”, I said sitting on a chair, most focused on the carpet being engulfed in different changing colours. It truly was “breathing”. At this point I also started throwing in random “fucks” and “shits” into the voice notes, as the 2C-B took charge. Dieter noted that the (completely regular) mattress felt like a waterbed mattress. Pink Floyd filled the air with sound.

“I can’t say I feel particularly horny”, Dieter observed.

“That’s cause you haven’t got anyone rubbing against you”, or sexting with for that matter, I proposed.

“I would rather not try that, right now”, he replied, and the three of us erupted into laughter.

These were deep belly laughs, as complete bliss took over. My verbal skills took a hit and I began to seriously struggle with which language to use with which people (the voice notes being sent in my native language and English being spoken between Dieter, Sandra, and myself).

Dieter put on a psychedelic pattern video on Youtube and then went to get some tangerines as we decided we should try eating. When he returned I looked away from the screen and was taken aback by the sudden realisation that the patterns on the screen were spilling into the room. Looking away did not make them perish from my field of view, instead projecting them onto anything else I would look at. Dieter observed the same effect and sat back down. ‘Down The Line (It Takes A Number)’ by Romare was playing through the stereo. Abi heard it and put it on where she was, further building on the feeling of a shared experience, which I knew we were going to have with the way my thoughts had been shaping up. I was thinking of her more and more, now almost exclusively talking to her. We rued the fact we could not embrace each other at that very point in time, and begun to talk about what we would do once we were finally together again. I was prickling with desire for her.

“Everything is warm and my body is tingling with sensation; I don’t think I’ll be taking any MDMA tonight, I feel completely intoxicated, might take more 2C-B though”, I told Abi.

Dieter had MD on him and I had initially planned on taking some to experience the infamous Nexus flip (reverse in a sense that MDMA is generally the substance administered first, at least as instructed by Shulgin, while I planned on doing the opposite). I felt quite immersed into the 2C-B and didn’t think it would be worth it. This feeling was not to last long.

Before I was to flip, we finally got around to the tangerine tasting session. The taste and texture were not being felt as coming from the same entity. I bit into the the rubbery skin of the fruit piece, releasing the fluid and allowing it to coat the inside of my mouth. These two sensations were quite clearly coming from my mouth. The taste, however, was definitely not there; both Dieter and I realised it was being felt straight in our brains. Almost as if it wasn’t really real, only a construct of our minds. I thought about how taste in general might not exist. While shape, state, and texture were undeniably real observable concepts, ones common to different people, taste was something completely different. It was generated inside each of our brains and experienced there as well. This flow of thought persisted for a couple of minutes before Dieter snapped me out of it by loudly gasping while pointing towards me with a look of shock on his face. He told me to look at my shirt (a fluorescent orange with some green bits). The colours were changing with the changing illumination. The orange and green sequentially bursting into life before dying down to be replaced by the other. Sandra noted that she saw it too, under the peculiar light, however as we filmed it we were able to later confirm that the 2C-B most certainly made the effect more intense.

This was it for me; I was having too good of a time to stop. Another half a pill of 2C-B went down my oesophagus, and I thought ‘Fuck it’, before crushing up around 30 mg of MDMA and proceeding to insufflate it as well. The instantaneous burn of MD was nasty, but as always subsided quickly after the act was done. It was no match for the bitch that 2C-B was to my tortured nasal passage. Regardless I did not have much time to think about the burn anymore. The MD commenced its romantic dance with 2C-B after only a couple of minutes – the two substances working together magnificently, as if they were put in this world just to do so, like two lovers perfectly melting into each other. The Nexus flip was royally on.

The room started to light up. Every corner, be it the bed frame, the door frame, or wall edges, begun to generate a pulse of colour, in phase with the sequential illumination system. Abi’s absence felt wrong, I spammed her a with a few messages to tell her how much I loved her and how much I needed her right now.

I knew I loved this woman before this trip, however I hadn’t put much thought into why exactly that was the case. We got together as soon as I exited an unhealthy relationship not so long ago. It was Abi who was there for me when the going got really rough with my ex, fighting her own feelings for me (due to the fact that the ex was her sister – oopsie). However, one benzoed night she spilled her guts and ever since then the prospect of her and me had been on my mind. This will come to be relevant shortly, the Nexus flip letting me put my gratefulness and love for this human being into words.

The MDMA elation hit hard and I started sending really excited voice notes, now completely ignoring my two friends sat right next to me. I realised I did not want to be there anymore and needed to speak to Abi. It was perfectly timed as well, seeing as how Dieter and Sandra decided to rail quite a bit of ketamine. I excused myself, wishing them a pleasant evening and thanking them for their company, before making my way back to my room, a few blocks away.

The patterns that had come to life under the funky lights persisted outside Dieter’s room. Kaleidoscope like patterns formed on anything I would lay my eyes on and a sort of distorting effect was present. My face was shifting when I looked at myself in the mirror before leaving Dieter’s place. I was quite high but more than capable of making it back home. I found the experience funny as a few police cars passed me, their passengers oblivious to the world I was experiencing. I sent a few more voice notes to Abi while she was awaiting my imminent video call. This is what I had to do, what I needed in that moment; Abi’s presence, if not physical than through a call. I felt a 1500 mile connection to her, stronger than anything I had felt before; this was significant I knew. Finally I called and she answered together with Bo who was blind pissed. He was a bit out of it and kept yelling nonsense while nodding off into a sleeping/passed out state. Thankfully, he quickly departed the world of the conscious, leaving Abi and myself “alone”. She went into a different room, leaving my brother to his sleep. It was about midnight and so she needed to be home in an hour – good, an hour will be sufficient for me to begin to describe to her how much she meant to me. Or so I thought. The world kept spinning and the visuals persisted – nothing extreme or new, just the constant kaleidoscope effects and physical distortion, with an occasional tracer. However, I found myself incapable of speaking what was on my mind – my thoughts racing far too quickly. I felt it all, everything I wanted to say and finally saw crystal clear was bursting through my head as I looked at her, in all her glory. Her voice made me feel safe and loved and significant, her beautiful face made me fall in love all over again.

Nevertheless, I could not put any of this into words. I told her she was “so pretty”, and kept giggling like an idiot. I told her I wanted to lick her head to toe and how much I wished she was with him. I felt betrayed by my silliness of not being able to verbalise a monumental moment of clarity. Deciding against letting it annoy me, I rolled with it, chatting utter shite to Abi as the thoughts kept rushing on. We spoke for as long as we could before she had to go home (leaving my comatose brother unlocked as he had misplaced the keys somewhere). As soon as the call ended the visuals ceased. The incessant giggling ceased. I felt sober. I was far from it though, but finally more in control. Abi’s presence was overwhelming, and now that she was gone I became aware of precisely what I had been thinking. I put on ‘Between The Bars’ by Elliott Smith (random Youtube recommendation) and felt an immediate sense of purpose and determination (tried other songs afterwards, found that none worked, so looped this one). I decided to text Abi and disclose my thoughts – this medium proved fruitful, as I was finally capable of producing a complete confession.

I told her how truly connected I felt to her, not just at that time, but since day one; how I felt so comfortable telling her anything and how much I loved her for it. I was afraid she wasn’t aware of how much she meant to me, how much she had bettered my life, dragging me out of a miserable relationship with her lovely sister. I realised how much more real this was than what I had had with anyone before, how finally there was a connection based on who we really were, as entities above the purely animalistic. I made sure she knew this. There was no one else I wanted to talk to about my feelings for her - nobody else mattered in that moment.

The Nexus flip enabled me to flesh out the nature and significance of my affection towards Abi, the whole trip being geared towards her. She wasn’t an extension of only a part of me, but an extension of my whole being, like MDMA and 2C-B. ‘Natural selection’ acted on my feelings and the only thing that could have ever been came to be; the thoughts coming from who I truly was feeding the love I felt. I realised this made our relationship so much more stable, and knew that Abi felt the same. We talked until it was 0300 and Abi finally had to sleep, touching on music and how it could be viewed as another sense.

The report was written a couple of days after the experience had taken place. My feelings are entirely unchanged and I am most grateful that I got the chance to experience this wonderful combination. It seemed to me as if having a bad trip would be most difficult with 2C-B, however the total dosage was probably not high enough to claim this categorically. There was no comedown and I slept fairly well (the MDMA did produce a slight headache the following day but this was to be expected). All in all this was a light psychedelic experience, which nevertheless carried great significance to me. In the future, I will try to save the Nexus flip for when I am physically with Abi, as I did not get the chance to explore the erotic component (the physical stimulation was immense – suggesting great potential).

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113798
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Feb 10, 2022Views: 1,329
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2C-B (52), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Relationships (44), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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