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Spinning on the Paperboy's Bicycle
Salvia divinorum (10X Extract)
Citation:   Reebs. "Spinning on the Paperboy's Bicycle: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10X Extract) (exp113872)". Apr 18, 2020.

  smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
I was 24 at the time living by myself in a motorhome in a low point in my life. Not low cause I I was living in a trailer but just lost.

My best friend and his brother came by wanting to party and busted out the salvia. I was down to try it so we all took hits which did nothing. I was really looking forward to a trip cause I felt I needed it badly. So I took a huge hit and held it in for as long as I could.

I said "this didnt do anything" just as I finished saying it I felt cold. I said "I think its working" and something else I cant remember. Then suddenly I felt as if I slid out of my body into another dimension.

In this other world I was spinning on a bicycle wheel. Happily spinning then my 3rd person angle zoomed out to reveal the bicycle was being riden by a paperboy throwing newspapers at houses. At the same time an ice cream truck was riding nearby and the sun was smiling all the while. The world was very colorful and the cartoonish style was very bold. Then I flew into the sky and interacted with what looked like plants. I dont remember anything past that.

Suddenly I regained my view of reality and felt cold numb and nauseous. I tried to relax as my friend started shaking me from my shoulders and saying my name. I said "whoa that was crazy" my friend and his brother looked at me in disbelief. They proceeded to explain what I had done in the real world while on the trip.

Apparently I was speaking giberrish but my facial expressions were genuine as if I was desperately trying to convey a message.. Then I tried to run out of the trailer and was very strong while trying. Lastly I sat down and stared into the wall before I came to my senses.

So the whole experience was completely dissociative (not sure if correct term)
My mind and body were in two worlds at the same time. My awareness was completely in another dimension. No control whatsoever. Definitely a strange and fun trip.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 113872
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Apr 18, 2020Views: 800
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Salvia divinorum (44), OBE (332) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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