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Two Tricksters Appeared to Me
Citation:   Gloiben. "Two Tricksters Appeared to Me: An Experience with DMT (exp113906)". Jan 9, 2020.

75 mg smoked DMT
The DMT Tricksters

It began slowly, not like other times I had broken through. At first I thought it was a miss fire and all I would get were geometric visuals one would expect. When suddenly I was there. 2 "tricksters" appeared to me. Not in any shape of this world but I knew what they were. There was 2 rooms, a green one and a blue one, in what one could only describe as 4th dimensional or unfathomable. They showed me the rooms, filled with unknown things. I remember my concious being very loud at this point, telling me how cool everything was. One of the jokster kicked me over to the other room where the other jokster was. He showed me around as well. My only feelings at this point were pure wonderment and joy.

The tricksters decided it was time to show me what they had brought me there for, I began to feel panic, my conciousness was distorted, my thoughts slowed down, and sped up to abnormal, incoherent speeds. Then finally it was torn from me. There was just me, no thought. No emotion. Just existence. Everything was calm, the tricksters did not move, the noises of that world ceased. It felt like an eternity, I began to understand everything, but without thought.... The tricksters returned my screaming concious to me, it was relieved to be back, and they said their goodbyes returning me to our world.

I remember the shape of my room coming back to me, concious of this plane of existence. I erupted into laughter, uncontrollable laughter.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113906
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jan 9, 2020Views: 772
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DMT (18) : Unknown Context (20), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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