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Bubble Bath
Citation:   WaveDuailty . "Bubble Bath: An Experience with Cannabis (exp113941)". Oct 21, 2020.

0.5 g smoked Cannabis
It is boxing day and I am rough as sandpaper; I need to somehow cure my hangover after a long Christmas night. So, I decide to put the bath on, smoke half a gram of amnesia haze in my bong & relax. Usually this strain of weed can make me very paranoid and it did indeed do just that. I am in the bath now, window open to let some fresh air in. Suddenly the paranoia gets very intense to the point that I am thinking my next door neighbour is outside having a smoke (had no idea if he was actually outside) and hearing every splash I make whilst in the bath would grab his attention. I am now carefully and slowly moving in the bath in case I make too much noise allowing my neighbour to here me. I slowly move to relax on my back after washing my hair.

Now that I am relaxed and not moving, not making any noise, the paranoia goes away and I realize am very stoned. I pick up the bong which is resting on the bathtub and finish the bowl. Now I am even more paranoid than before but its different, I feel like someone is watching me but not from outside. Suddenly my attention is grabbed by the abundance of bubbles that are floating in front of me that frothed up during the bath being filled up. I felt as if the bubbles were trying to get my attention by the way they look, that shimmery reflectiveness and that perfect spherical shape. Obviously I am still high as fuck. A little bubble from the bigger abundance of bubbles broke off and floated around. I gazed at this bubble in great curiosity thinking to myself that this bubble seems to be ''looking at me'', lol. My mind was racing at this point, thinking that the bubble in front of me was concisous. The bubble doesn't burst as I be still as possible.

I then tried to use reason to explain how that bubble could be conscious. So I am laying there in the warm bath stoned as fuck but contemplating about these bubbles. I try to get dective about it thinking of how that bubble was created; I poured some bubble bath into the bathtub, turned the tap on, thus creating a chemical reaction as I do every time I go for a bath, nothing unusual there. I then start to think about the 2nd law of thermodynamics. I pull my phone up I google something like ''low entropy and consciouness'' & a result pops up, an article called ''Scientists Show Consciousness Could Be a Side Effect of 'Entropy'' I click on it and I actually turn my phone around to the wondering bubble to show it the article. I then have the natural thought of disbelief that I just tried to show a bubble an article. Obviously because I am still stoned I am in such a hallucinatory state that I think that bubble is actually aware.

I am still enjoying and relaxing in my warm bath, stoned and now convinced from reading the article that entropy could cause something to be conscious. I am now fixated on this bubble, observing its rather beautiful reflectiveness and spherical shape. My mind begins to ponder how this bubble actually came to be. Yes, I poured the bubble bath turned on the tap, etc. But my mind went further back; to the bottle of bubble bath, to its ingredients, to the company that made it. It is basically just a number of complex chemicals that have been created to produce bubble bath for consumers I thought. My mind races to sudden thoughts of the evolution of the universe which itself is created from complex chemical reactions. After those thoughts, I am now convinced the company that created the bubble bath has accidentally created order out of chaotic reactions; the order being the spherical, smooth bubbles. And I believed in result of that low entropy state, that bubble was conscious.

Now I am sober and I understand how ridiculous it sounds
Now I am sober and I understand how ridiculous it sounds
I wanted to share it nonetheless because it is probably the weirdest and somewhat funniest high I have experienced from smoking weed. Looking back on this experience has brought back memories of other times when I was high. Often when I smoke sativas, I get very paranoid which I think caused this odd high. I remember many times when I get paranoid that I start to get that feeling of people are looking at me or something is looking at me. A few times whilst stoned on sativa I see faces of objects such as bins, houses, and other objects. They appear suddenly at the corner of my eye and I quickly glance in this odd fear looking at this object appearing it is a person standing there or has a face but soon, the longer I look at it, the more it starts to appear what it actually is. Not sure if is just me that gets this. It doesn't happen often but occasionally.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113941
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Oct 21, 2020Views: 526
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Alone (16)

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