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Slow to Come but Very Powerful
N-Ethylhexedrone & Clonazolam
Citation:   M4G1C. "Slow to Come but Very Powerful: An Experience with N-Ethylhexedrone & Clonazolam (exp113970)". Jan 20, 2020.

  repeated insufflated N-Ethylhexedrone
    repeated IV N-Ethylhexedrone
    IV Clonazolam
It must be said that I have a high tolerance for benzos, I have experienced 6 of them (etizolam, alprazolam, oxazepam, diazepam, one that I don't remember the name of and clonazolam, which is my all-time favourite benzo.)

After a breakup with the girl I was with for 3 years, I decided to order hexen (N-ethyl-Hexedrone, a new RC with speed-like effects). For a full night I was on hexen, doing about 40-60mg lines every 30-40min, and after that I tried to IV hexen. I had trouble finding a vein, but after a few trials I managed to IV about 50mg of hexen. The effects were much stronger than when insufflated, I was very energetic but also couldn't really focus on anything. I had difficulties talking, my speech was slurred and I couldn't stop moving my legs.
I had difficulties talking, my speech was slurred and I couldn't stop moving my legs.
I IVed with this approximate dosage 3 times, waiting about 1hour between each dosage.

After about 24 hours of not sleeping and while the effects of the Hexen were still very present, I decided to try and IV clonazolam. I had 500µg pellets of clonazolam, I tried to cut it so I wouldn't take the full 500µg dose, and managed to cut it in a slightly smaller amount, I would believe it was about 400µg.

So here I am with my needle ready, I crush the pill into a fine powder, add some water, sucked it through cotton, and put it all in ly vein. I didn't feel any rush at first, the effects manifested gradually over the course of aproximately 10 minutes. During that time, I went from super excited, very focused and awake to very relaxed, at peace, feeling warm and awfully sleep-deprived. After about 15 minutes I felt so sleepy that I went to bed and slept for 6 hours.

In conclusion, injecting crushed pills is a bad idea, though the effects come faster, the high isn't better than if I had swallowed the pill.

[Erowid Note: Intravenous (IV) injection of crushed pills/tablets can be very dangerous due to unknown substances, binders, and fillers present. Any substance injected directly into the blood stream should be very pure. Clean needles and medically appropriate techniques should be used to avoid serious injury or death.]

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 113970
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 20, 2020Views: 2,089
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N-Ethylhexedrone (738) : Alone (16), Preparation / Recipes (30), Combinations (3)

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