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Candyflip - The Bad and the Good
Citation:   jowau. "Candyflip - The Bad and the Good: An Experience with LSD & MDMA (exp113980)". Jan 20, 2020.

T+ 0:00
  oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:00 90 mg oral MDMA  
Mindset & setting:
2 very close friends I had already had MDMA with, 3 other friends, who each had some different substance experience, but not this exact one I think. We had the whole cold winter day layed out for staying indoors, and had quite carefully decided and prepared for a candy flip (substances ready, water, chewing gum, rules of conduct, music playlists). Everybody seemed relaxed, looking forward to it and curious. We have a good breakfast around 9 am.

So we start taking LSD papercuts at noon.

Onset LSD:
after 20 minutes we are all a bit giddy, start walking around, talking stupid shit and having fun with it, one guy who‘s walking around nonstop mentions a sort of visual blur, one guy is amazed at how much he feels like doing gymnastics. I mostly feel a bit more activated and air-headed, and pretty amused.

Time passes by very slowly, yet we make it past an hour and add the MDMA. And we have quite the trouble with it, as our fine-motoric skills have started going down. I have been taking a few notes, for the last 10 minutes under quite some effort.

Enter onset MDMA:
The mood gets more exciting and more relaxed (hard to describe), our focus shifts from just looking at stuff more to music. I like dancing so I get into that a bit too. Everything starts to look and as if its dancing itself. I am too distracted to keep track of time or take notes anymore.

Interaction and peak:
So I start tripping heavy, first I get a blur too, as if everything was a bit pixelated and made out of red, green, and yellow components like on TV screens, moving my hand creates an afterimage. Then I get vivid hallucinations of colorful fractal geometry flashing into the actual view of my friends moving around in a dim room and finally cuddling and beginning to lay down.

But it seems something is working differently for me than the others. Beyond this point I get suspicious and don‘t like the sensation of my ego crumbling. The whole world becomes my introspection playground and my friends turn into embodiments of my subconscious having a chat with each other and me
my friends turn into embodiments of my subconscious having a chat with each other and me
(and what the fuck are these embodiments doing and saying? How is this supposed to be me?).

At a certain drug interaction peak, after overcoming quite some doubts actually I do believe every trip is some sort of conspiracy:

Potential bad trip warning:
##Everyone interested in tripping is a „lost child“ of some sorts, and all trip sessions are just small instances of a bigger plan to help them „overcome their weaknesses“ and choose their path, of course this time I happened to be the „chosen one“, the center of the spiral of which the others appear to be both pawns and instigators.

So in my mind there were only 2 ways this could end: either me „becoming one“ with the others, engaging in what seemed like mind-numbing druggy hedonism and degeneracy, embracing the good, the bad, not caring anymore and finally losing myself completely (Is this hell itself?) - or standing up against it, struggling for the barrier between me and the world, good and bad, and „facing my problems head on“.

I did the latter, both because I was scared and genuinely felt it was the right thing to do. But it was a tough fight (one friend mentioned the next day that I must have been tripping hard as I stood there shaking back and forth as if to decide whether to drop into their human pool or not). I think I managed to mumble a few motivational sentences like „We‘re all gonna make it out of it“ and before giving in I even got everybody to get up and disperse a little instead of drowning in a heap of flesh. I felt victorious for a moment, but I also had a lingering gloomy mood the whole trip because I couldn‘t „come out of the closet“ or really let everything go and become one, and according to myself made the trip worse for everybody###

So that scared me off a bit from the cuddly effects of MDMA, and has me keep to myself and dancing more than the others (which 2 of them notice during the afternoon), but after a while I have calmed down and join in the „love drug“ of endless rotation of bodies
after a while I have calmed down and join in the „love drug“ of endless rotation of bodies
, sometimes splitting into groups of 2 or 3 (working way better imo). I also take off my glasses (2,5 diopters).

After I can only estimate 2 hours the MDMA mellows and LSD becomes more prominent in terms of visuals. I lie and sit around a lot with my eyes closed bobbing and swinging my head. I now enjoy this music playing a lot, and can see all sorts of patterns moving.

After hours of laying, sometimes walking around, and vibing out, our minds begin to clear up a bit, one guy goes to barf twice in the course of the evening, everyone goes to take a never-ending piss. My focus shifts to visuals again, everything is pixely, especially things I couldn't see sharp without my glasses, and I cannot tell details of many things. I try drinking juice+water instead of water, but this is still too much for me.

At around 8 pm, they start watching a movie, but I am still kind of too much in the trip zone to concentrate on a movie. Rather than that, my hunger returns, so I have a glass of milk+water and a snack, after another 40 minutes I am then capable of sitting down and watching along, but I need sunglasses as the bright screen is hurting my eyes.

Effects of both substances wear down gradually. Only when I close my eyes I still see slight visuals (even 2 days after).

I go to sleep like midnight. I have some troubles falling asleep, but the next morning I feel comparably refreshed. Sleep quality was alright, can‘t recall any dreams.

Interesting combination, it‘s helpful to stay cool and be prepared, I am curious about LSD on its own.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113980
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jan 20, 2020Views: 3,174
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LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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