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World Of Funk
LSD & Lucid Dreaming
Citation:   V e e T e e . "World Of Funk: An Experience with LSD & Lucid Dreaming (exp113994)". Jan 30, 2020.

130 ug   LSD
This was written after I had experienced the last of a series of three LSD trips, the second one heavily compounded with psilocybin. This period, spanning from the months of August 2019 to December 2019, was preceded by a period of deep depression, which I had tried to self-medicate with psychedelics. It was also my first true experience with psychedelics.

I also happened to feed daily on recordings of Terence McKenna, at the time.

I wrote the following poems as I emerged from a quite lucid dream, following my last LSD trip, and possibly the last I will do. I heavily questioned at that point which reality was the truly lucid one, our truly awakened state.

W o r l d Of F u n k

It was to be 8 o clock,
But fractal waves still rock,
And once again,
Time dissipates
And elates.

I woke up, feeling drunk,
From this world of funk,
That felt familiar yet alien,
In which I thrive,
To live the jive.

But suddenly I realize:
In which awakened world,
Do I fail to grasp the size,
Do I fail to fantasize,
Under the blazing marigolds
Of this Shadow?

‘Cause at Night it seems,
When seams blend,
I can make amends
With my own Rights.

While in Day,
I live the dreams
Of others.

I n c e p t i o n

a fine paradox
a dichotomy of sorts
between fractal wounds
of minds and the such
this breeze which reminds you
of things but not,
the things you thought
revived memories of you
but they seem not much,
these scant full moons:
they wither, of sorts
in this fine paradox


Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113994
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jan 30, 2020Views: 876
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Dreams (85), LSD (2) : Unknown Context (20), Depression (15), Poetry (43), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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