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I Was Offered a Hit and I Decided to Take It
Methamphetamine & Alcohol
by Rain
Citation:   Rain. "I Was Offered a Hit and I Decided to Take It: An Experience with Methamphetamine & Alcohol (exp114034)". Erowid.org. Feb 16, 2020. erowid.org/exp/114034

First Time Trying Meth

I have been using drugs for around 5 years now, acid, mushrooms, MDMA and Ketamine but had never tried Meth before. Mainly because of the connotation surrounding it. Last night at a party I was offered a hit and I decided to take it as a learning experience and write a real time report as I was on it. I have written brief sentences about how I was feeling from straight after the hit.

Straight away- not feeling anything

2 minutes- feeling confused and excited

3 minutes - feeling happy energetic and the best

5 minutes- want a bit more

8 minutes - feeling super awake and like I’m the best

10 minutes- feeling like I want it enough to know it’s not good for me and that I probably won’t sleep as soon as I would’ve if I didn’t do it

15 minutes- very talkative and twitchy, moving my fingers a lot and jumping my leg more then usual

20 minutes- I’m like getting tired ??? Did a big sigh and wanting a cuddle, kind of feels like molly comedown but more fiendy. Hopefully and definitely won’t do this again. I can see why people get hooked, very interesting experience

30 minutes - still fully like able to do everything, thoughts and actions, but feeling kind of nauseous and woobly.

35 minutes- just observing people again, not adding anything to conversation, feeling distant and understanding why people start relying on this to feel alive and together.

45 minutes- talking to people feeling like I’m on mdma basically but less lovey and more talkative. Pretty cool but kinda like idk, wanna sleep but can’t which is kind of stressful

1 hour- very talkative but I feel like it’s just because I’m with someone I feel comfortable with, still nauseous but less, will stop drinking now and super not hungry

2 hours- very talkative and I’m feeling like I can express myself and how I’m feeling but I feel as though I am dismaying other peoples perspectives but only because I’m thinking so fast.

2 hours 10 minutes- just ate some gouda cheese feeling tangy in my mouth not feeling hungry at all and didn’t enjoy the experience of food at all. I wish I wanted it because I usually like it but I didn’t. Just had Cherry plum- is it different? Kinda just glad I got the cheese out of my mouth tbh, kinda love it yum. Big burp.

2 hours 50 minutes- I’m eating now, a garlic pita bread with red onion, cheddar cheese and avocado. Feeling happy to be comfortable and with someone I love because I feel as though if I was in a different situation I would feel uncomfortable. Gonna cuddle with will soon and hopefully fall asleep. Weird meth experience tbh.

After stopping the report my partner and I talked for hours (me talking the most, him not being on meth) and then had rough sex which I wanted because I was very horny. I've heard that this happens to people but all up Meth was less like a drug and felt more like a strong coffee for me. I can imagine that if I had more it would've been a completely different experience.

Also because I have done psychedelics in the past I feel as though I had a interesting perspective on how my brain and body were feeling. I feel as though someone who has only ever tried meth could get hooked more intensely than someone who has tried other mind altering substances.

I won't be trying it again but I enjoyed the experience.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114034
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 16, 2020Views: 1,771
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Methamphetamine (37) : Large Group (10+) (19), General (1)

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